Cropped Will Cardini artwork

February 7th, 2012

“Moon Queen,” my Comic from Frank Santoro’s Course

Filed under: Web Comics — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 11:38 pm

Hey y’all, this post is late in the evening on Tuesday because I’ve been busy finishing the comic I made during Frank Santoro’s Comics Correspondence Course, coding an HTML shell for it, and uploading it to this site. The comic is called Moon Queen. Click the cover spread to read it:

Moon Queen cover spread

I tried something different with the navigation. Because Santoro had us thinking about the spreads so much, I wanted you to be able to see both the spreads and the details. So on the index, you can see all of the spreads. Then you can use the next and previous buttons on the side to proceed through larger images of the spreads. You can also click on either half of the spread to see the page up-close. You can navigate between the page views but once you get to a new spread, you see it all at once. What do y’all think? It makes sense to me but I thought of it so I’m not be experiencing it as a first-time user would.

Santoro Correspondence Course

As some of you may know, I’ve been drawing all of my comics completely on the computer for the past couple years but Santoro had us draw everything in the class by hand (although I assembled the final comic in Photoshop). I’d been wanting to get back to doing some analog drawing so I was glad to take a break from the flickering screen. All in all, the process that Santoro taught us was fascinating. I learned a lot of things that you’ll see me experimenting with in future comics. If any of y’all are thinking about taking future sessions of Santoro’s class and are willing to try out a new approach to making your comics, I highly recommend it!

November 8th, 2011

East Austin Studio Tour 2011: The Hensel Hypercastle Postcard

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 7:43 am

Glade and I are doing the East Austin Studio Tour once again! This year we got some postcards printed up. We spent last night driving around Austin and dropping them off at various coffee shops and other places.

Here’s my side of the postcard:

Here’s Glade’s side:

We’ve decided to call our studios the Hensel Hypercastle.

I’m going to post more images and previews of what we’ll have on display over the next week and a half.

October 21st, 2011

Hyperbox Ink Draw

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 7:06 am

Does anyone reading this remember my Hyperbox minis? Hyperbox was a long comic serialized in minis that I started but unfortunately never finished. I drew three issues for a total of 60 pages between December 2007 and June 2008.

Someone ordered those comics from me recently so I decided to do this Hyperbox ink drawing:

Hyperbox ink draw

I don’t plan on ever finishing Hyperbox because my style has changed too much since then but some of the ideas that I put into it will probably resurface in future works.

October 7th, 2011

Big Nose Bug D00dz Sketch

Filed under: Sketchbook Pages — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:47 am

After using moleskines for a while, I finally broke down and got another one of my favorite sketchbooks, an 8.5×11″ réflexions bound sketch book. I broke it in by drawing a bunch of big nose bug d00dz:

Cardini big nose bug d00dz sketch

You might see some of these d00dz in a future comic of mine.

September 23rd, 2011

“Summoning” Comic from the Previous Catch Up Issue

Filed under: Web Comics — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:26 am

Because the new issue of Catch Up is out, I decided to add the comic that I drew for the previous issue, before I became the comics editor, to my comics page.

Click the splash page to be taken directly to the two-page full-color comic, called “Summoning.”

Summoning banner image

“Summoning” stars the Miizzzard and my fellow GCPM members Jak Cardini and Chuch.

September 16th, 2011

Ditch the Fest Fest 2

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:39 am

Ditch the Fest Fest 2, an Austin music/art festival happening in the shadow of the Austin City Limits festival, is this upcoming Saturday. I drew a flyer for it, check it out:

Ditch the Fest Fest 2 flyer by Cardini

It’ll be a fun time, check it out. They’ll be screenprinting t-shirts with one-color versions of my flyer at the fest.

September 2nd, 2011

3D Hypercastle Print

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:25 am

Here’s the final print from Glade and I’s show at Austin Books:

3D Hypercastle

This digital print is called “3D Hypercastle” because it’s red/blue anaglyph 3D. I kept the blue stationary and shifted the red layers, so the 3D glasses that I got from Toy Joy only work if you fold them backwards.

Here’s a colored, non-3D version of the print:

Colored 3D Hypercastle

Although the show is no longer up in the back room of Austin Books, you can still buy them from us or from the print rack at Austin Books:

Austin Books print rack

Let me know if you want to get something. Here are the links to the rest of our prints:

August 26th, 2011

Rainbow Hypercastle

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:31 am

Here’s a print that I made for Glade and I’s show at Austin Books:

Rainbow Hypercastle

It’s called “Rainbow Hypercastle.” I was mashing together flying whales, Penrose triangles, floating islands, space, custom patterns, rainbows, and the devil’s fork.

August 19th, 2011

Glade and Mark’s Hensel Hypercastle

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:00 am

Here’s a print that I made for Glade and I’s show at Austin Books:

Hensel Hypercastle

This print is called “Glade and Mark’s Hensel Hypercastle” because Glade suggested I base one of our hypercastle prints on the hypercastle I drew for this page of my comic “Rocky Mountain Chomp.” I was originally going to make a two-color screenprint, but I designed the screens with overprinting (so I wouldn’t have to worry about precise registration) without realizing that the bottom blue layer would show through the yellow top layer. Rookie mistake!

July 29th, 2011

Sketchbook Pages from France

Filed under: Sketchbook Pages — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:56 am

Here are two sketchbook pages from my trip to France back in May:

sketchbook page

sketchbook page