This Saturday, December 3rd, from noon to 9pm at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church is the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics fest. Pat Aulisio and Ian Harker will be there with Rub the Blood, an art comics tribute to the Image revolution with two pages by me alongside a whole host of excellent artists (full list and longer explanation here, Robot6 article here, interview with Pat and Ian here, Rob Liefeld endorsement here). Here’s the obligatory comic Facebook shot of Pat holding up Rub the Blood:

The front and back covers are by Victor Cayro.
I won’t be at BCGF but tons of other RUB THE BLOOD cartoonists will be.
Also, if you’re in the area, tonite Pat and Josh Bayer are signing their Retrofit books, BOWMAN and Raw Power, at Jim Hanley’s in Manhattan:

Flyer by Pat.
Retrofit head honcho Box Brown will be in attendance. Pat and Josh will be debuting their collab book The Unforgiving Blade of Conon, check out the sick cover:

There’ll also be copies of Secret Prison #5 which I drew the back cover for.