Cropped Will Cardini artwork

January 15th, 2013

Fuel Quest Preview Panels

Filed under: Web Comics — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 11:25 am

I decided to take some time from finishing Vortex to work on a fun, short project. It’s called Fuel Quest. Here are some preview panels:

William Cardini Fuel Quest title panel

William Cardini floating crystal witch transformation panel

January 11th, 2013

Sketchbook Pages

Filed under: Sketchbook Pages — Tags: — William Cardini @ 11:56 am

William Cardini sketchbook page
Floating Crystal Witch transformations.

William Cardini sketchbook page
Surreal landscapes.

January 8th, 2013

The Last Scene of the Wheel of Time – Full Spoilers for A Memory of Light

Filed under: SF Reviews — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 7:39 pm

I’m going to discuss the much hyped final scene of the Wheel of Time series, conceived by Robert Jordan from the very beginning*, written before he passed away, and incorporated virtually unchanged in the final book.

Michael Whelan A Memory of Light cover painting
Michael Whelan’s cover painting for A Memory of Light.

*Robert Jordan: “I started thinking about what would turn into the Wheel of Time more than 15 years ago, and the first thing that I thought of that was really solid was the last scene of the last book.” – From this chat.

Full A Memory of Light spoilers within. (more…)

January 4th, 2013

Flynt the Rhino Toad ATTACKS the Floating Crystal Witch

Filed under: Web Comics — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:28 am

Flynt the Rhino Toad ATTACKS the Floating Crystal Witch
My first new comic of 2013.

January 1st, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

Filed under: Admin,Life,Sketchbook Pages — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 6:57 pm

Let’s raise our crystal skull goblets to 2013 and the coming hyper-folk-sci-fi utopia! I hope that everyone had a happy new year’s.

William Cardini New Year Sketch
This is my first sketchbook page finished in 2013. I began it while chilling over the holidays and finished it today.

2012 was a year of upheaval, change, and growth.

Personally, Glade and I made some big choices. In the spring, we decided that we’re going to stay in Austin for the foreseeable future. In the summer, Glade opened Paper Party in Domy Books Austin and was able to move to part time at her day job in the fall. Domy Books Austin is now closing but Glade’s going to move Paper Party to a new spot at 1223 Rosewood. I’m bummed that Domy is going to be gone. Every time I went in there Russell was so enthusiastic about comics and would show me all the great new stuff that came in. He’s also been a great supporter and promoter of my comics. But I’m glad that Travis Kent and Mikaylah Bowman are carrying the torch with Farewell Books in the same spot.

2012 was a big year for my comics career:

Not everything was a triumph, however. I applied to the final round of the Xeric grant and didn’t get it. I’m still putting more money into my comics than I’m earning. I have several self-publishing projects that are stalled out.

I’m looking forward to experiencing what 2013 brings. My primary goal is to finish Vortex, put out the rest of it in minicomics, and explore the options for publishing a collected edition.

December 21st, 2012

A Josh Burggraf Christmas

Filed under: Web Comics — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:07 am

My buddy Josh Burggraf surprised me by adding colors to my 2010 comic called “Miizzzard in ATTACK”:

Miizzzard in ATTACK colored by Josh Burggraf

Josh has another gift for the Internet, a fun five-page full-colored comic called “Space Date”.

I hope that y’all all have happy and chill holidaze. This blog will be back in 2013.

December 18th, 2012

Surreal Landscapes Opens this Thursday at Gallery Black Lagoon

Filed under: Art Shows — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 7:55 am

I’ve got some paintings and drawings in Surreal Landscapes, a show curated by my friend Cari Palazzolo. There’s a bunch of other awesome Austin artists in it also. There’s a reception this upcoming Thursday. Here’s the flyer:

Surreal Landscapes flyer
Flyer by Cari.

The flyer samples this watercolor I finished recently, “Landscape with Reptoid Skull”:

Landscape with Reptoid Skull by William Cardini
9 x 12″ watercolor.

I’ve also been working on a large acrylic painting:

Landscape with Reptoid Skull by William Cardini
30 x 48″ sketch and first color for “Petrified Forest Spirits Dancing Beneath the Crescent Nightmare World”.

You can see more process and preview shots in posts tagged “Surreal Landscapes” on my Tumblr.

December 14th, 2012

Vortex #3 Release Recap

Filed under: Events,Print Comics — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 7:46 am

Thanks to everyone who came by the Vortex #3 book release at Domy Books this past Wednesday, I had a good time!

Vortex 3 release party at Domy

When Vortex #2 came out, I had a joint release party / reading with Melinda Tracy Boyce (she was putting out The Melinderly #1). We projected panels from our comics and performed them to an audience. I thought it was fun, but since then, I’ve been to signings here in Austin where the cartoonists just set up a table and personalized books for everyone who came up. I like interacting with people individually more so I thought I’d give it a shot (I also didn’t have enough new, non-Vortex comics to fill another reading). I dug it but I might switch things up again next time.

December 11th, 2012

Vortex #3 Release Party and Signing Tomorrow at Domy Books Austin

Filed under: Events,Print Comics — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 7:56 am

Domy Books Austin is having a release party for Vortex #3 tomorrow night from 7 to 9pm.

Vortex 3 Release Party Flyer Flyer
Press release here. Facebook event page here.

I’ll do drawings in whatever Cardini books you bring or buy!

December 7th, 2012

Paper Party Print Show Opening this Saturday

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:14 am

This Saturday is the opening for the Paper Party Print Show. I have a print in it alongside some other awesome artists. Here’s the flyer:

Paper Party Print Show flyer
There’ll also be art openings at the other stores in Domy Books Austin.

Here’s an image of my digital print:

Miizzzard digital print