Cropped Will Cardini artwork

April 24th, 2012

Double Comic Book Release Party Tomorrow Night

Filed under: Press,Print Comics — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 7:17 am

Just a reminder y’all, tomorrow night from 7-9pm at Domy Books in Austin is a double comic book release party for my new minicomic Vortex #2 and Melinda Tracy Boyce’s first issue of her quarterly short fiction and autobio comics collection The Melinderly. Click this flyer for more details:

Double Comic Book Release Party

Here’s the cover spread for Vortex #2:

Double Comic Book Release Party

Just like Vortex #1, #2 is 32 pages of black-and-white sf madness.

April 19th, 2012

Rob Clough Reviews VORTEX #1

Filed under: Press,Print Comics — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 12:26 am

Just in time for the Vortex #2/The Melinderly #1 double comic release party at Domy Books, Rob Clough has posted a review of Vortex #1 alongside some other sf minis! He analyzes how my “deliberately artificial-looking style of line” changes the feeling he gets from the images. Also, I’m honored to be reviewed in the same post as Ryan Cecil Smith.

March 14th, 2012

What by What-Ever

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 1:01 am

Poster by Devin Flynn.

March 9th, 2012

Hic and Hoc Call for Entries

Filed under: Events — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 11:40 pm

Yo y’all check out the first Hic and Hoc call for entries:

Unsolved Mysteries call for entries

March 6th, 2012

Quick STAPLE! 2012 Recap

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 11:48 pm

There were tons of fun moments at STAPLE! 2012.

Bear Quest costume
I’m chilling with the Cyclopean bear from Zach Taylor’s Bear Quest.

Thanks to everyone who came by our table.

Gold County Paper Mill and Glademade's table at Staple!
The Gold County Paper Mill and Glademade’s table.

I felt like Sunday traffic wasn’t quite as heavy as last year, but it was great to meet fans, hopefully make some new ones, and hang with more cartoonists than I usually see.

March 2nd, 2012

STAPLE! 2012 Preview and Recommendations Megapost

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:26 am

Hey y’all! STAPLE! is this weekend and I’m super stoked!

I’m going to have a bunch of great stuff at a table with fellow Gold County Paper Mill members Michael Miles, Chuch, David Fullen, and the proprietor of Glademade, my wife Glade.

Michael Miles drawing
A sick skull draw by Mike Miles.

I’m going to have stacks of VORTEX #1; my Rainbow Hypercastle, Hensel Hypercastle, 3D Hypercastle, and One-Color Hypercastle prints; Josh Burggraf’s Kid Space Heater; and the new issue of the GCPM-published poetry and comics magazine Catch Up. Michael Miles will have the zine he debuted last year, Lords ov thee Black Sun, and a new zine. And my wife Glade will be selling her Glademade greeting cards, leather bangles, and Poketo wallets. We’ll be at Table 34 in the Hall.

STAPLE! Gold County Paper Mill location
I’ve marked our table.

To our left is Ao Meng’s Cavalry Press (Meng is also editor of Novi Magazine). He’s gonna have a bunch of great stuff. On the other side of the room from us are cool area cartoonists M. Austin Bedell of Skweegie Island, Jason Poland of Robbie and Bobby, Chris Sweet of Effing Decaf, and Zach Taylor of Bear Quest. And on the back table at the back of the room are the big guns, Chris Staros of Top Shelf and Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and publisher of Heavy Metal.

Zach Taylor Bear Quest pixel art poster
An 11×17″ pixel art poster by Zach Taylor, on sale at STAPLE!

In the other room, the Annex, are cartoonist power couple Aaron Whitaker and Melinda Tracy Boyce. Aaron will be debuting his first graphic novel, The City Troll, which successfully met its Kickstarter goal recently. Also in the Annex will be Tom Neely and Virginia Paine, representing Sparkplug Books. I think it’s really cool that they’ll be there. I’m really looking forward to checking out Neely’s book The Wolf.

Melinda Tracy Boyce comic
An autobio comic by Melinda.

See this blog post on the STAPLE! blog for a full list of participating cartoonists and their locations. There’s also a preparty tonight at Austin Books and Comics starting at around 7pm.

February 3rd, 2012

RUB THE BLOOD for Sale, RTB Artwork, and Interview

Filed under: Artwork,Press,Print Comics — Tags: , , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:28 am

Hey y’all, I got my contributor copies of RUB THE BLOOD, edited by Ian Harker and Pat Aulisio, in the mail:

RUB THE BLOOD stack on my cutting board
I’m proud to be in this monstrosity. You can see the front and back covers by Victor Cayro and the interior spread by Mickey Z.

You can now order RTB on my store, it’s $5 plus shipping. (Update 1/13/2017: I’ve been sold out of RTB for years.) You can also order it from editor Ian Harker through mail order, just email him at I’m also going to be sure to bring these bad boys to STAPLE! where the Gold County Paper Mill will be tabling alongside Glademade for the fourth year in a row.

This also seems like a good post to show y’all the ink drawings that I made for the RUB THE BLOOD art show at Brave New Worlds in Philly this past January. The drawings are 7×10″ ink renditions of the two characters I used in my RUB THE BLOOD comic, Lightbeam and Bludwurld the Living Battle Planet:

Lightbeam ink drawing

Bludwurld ink drawing

Also, I didn’t realize this, but 2012 is the 20th anniversary of Image. In honor of this, Ao Meng has a post up on the Daily Texan Comics blog that discusses the legacy of Image, the Brandon Graham and Simon Roy reinterpretation of Prophet, and RUB THE BLOOD. It includes a short interview with yours truly.

January 10th, 2012

The City Troll Kickstarter

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 11:15 pm

My buddy Aaron Whitaker, who posts comics with his girlfriend Melinda Tracy Boyce on the Gingham Ghost tumblr, is using Kickstarter to raise money to print his first graphic novel, The City Troll.

Check out the dope cover:

Cover for The City Troll by Aaron Whitaker

The City Troll is about a guy named Paul who dislikes himself so much, he sees himself as a slimy troll. Over the 180 pages of the book he navigates his inner world of self pity and the outer world of relationships and family. Aaron let me peek at some of the sketchbooks he’s been drawing The City Troll in and I’m really looking forward to reading the whole thing. But don’t take my word for it, watch Aaron’s Kickstarter video and see if that piques your interest:

If you want to see a sample of Aaron’s cartooning chops, check out this pizza mutants one-page comic I dug up from deep in the Gingham Ghost archive:

Aaron Whitaker comic

Aaron’s almost 70% of the way there, help him get that remaining 30% by Tuesday, February 7th!

November 23rd, 2011

Quick E.A.S.T. Endcap

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 2:05 am

Thanks to everyone who made it by Glade and I’s place during the 2011 East Austin Studio Tour!

E.A.S.T. Stop #121

We both had a blast and got to meet a ton of great people. My favorite though, were our first visitors. They were two teenagers who go to an arts magnet high school and their moms. One of them told me that they hope they can have a house like ours when they grow up. I hope that we inspired them just a little bit. It also made me think that high school me would probably be pretty stoked about the setup I have now. It’s good to get that reminder that I’m still living part of the bohemian artist dream while working a day job.

November 8th, 2011

East Austin Studio Tour 2011: The Hensel Hypercastle Postcard

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 7:43 am

Glade and I are doing the East Austin Studio Tour once again! This year we got some postcards printed up. We spent last night driving around Austin and dropping them off at various coffee shops and other places.

Here’s my side of the postcard:

Here’s Glade’s side:

We’ve decided to call our studios the Hensel Hypercastle.

I’m going to post more images and previews of what we’ll have on display over the next week and a half.