Cropped Will Cardini artwork

August 10th, 2012

Avant Geek at the Phoenix Trade Depot

Hey y’all, I’m selling copies of Vortex #1 and Vortex #2 at the Avant Geek art show at the Phoenix Trade Depot here in Austin.

The show opens this Saturday, here are the deetz:

P.S. Thickness #3 (and Sean T Collins and I’s contribution in particular) is mentioned on Episode 4 of the Comic Books are Burning in Hell podcast (audio is NSFW). Jog name drops my old, never completed comics series Hyperbox. You can read some of HB on my Flickrstream.

P.P.S. Did y’all know that I have a personal tumblr where I post drawings and that Josh Burggraf and I run a Gold County Paper Mill tumblr?

July 10th, 2012

Comics on Sale at Domy Austin; Reviews

Filed under: Press — Tags: , , , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:19 am

Hey ya’ll, I just dropped off the Josh Burggraf-edited psychedelic sf anthology Future Shock at Domy Books here in Austin. Check out the cover:

Future Shock cover

Future Shock is 44 full-color pages of freak out sf short stories by the main man JB, Anuj Shrestha, Pat Aulisio, myself, and Victor Kerlow, drawing comics solo and collabo. I’m really excited by what Josh has done with this, but don’t take my word for it, check some words of praise from Tim Callahan in a post-MoCCA review roundup on Comic Book Resources. The anthology is $7. I also restocked Vortex #1 and #2.

In other news, comics by both me and Burggraf got reviewed by Rob Clough on High-Low in a roundup of “odd genre minis”. Clough has this to say about Vortex #2: “Working big and using so many decorative patterns gives this issue a psychedelic feel, yet one that’s grounded in rock-solid and simple layouts.”

July 6th, 2012

Vortex #2 for Sale at Floating World and a Review

Filed under: Press,Print Comics — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:31 am

I just sent a stack of Vortex #2 to my buddy Ryan Dirks in Portland. He took some over to Floating World Comics in Portland, so if any of y’all are there, y’all can now pick up both issues of Vortex there.

Dirks holding up a stack of V#2.

Dirks also posted some kind words about my comics: “I love how he uses space and rocks all the different tones. Everything has a melty, trippy, dreamlike quality to it, very unique.”

July 3rd, 2012

Thoughts on Not Getting the Xeric Grant

Filed under: Life — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:16 am

Back in February I announced that I was applying for the final round of the Xeric grant. A couple of weeks ago I got a letter informing me that I wasn’t selected. I’m not going to let the rejection slow me down. Putting my work out there for review, for sale, or for awards means that it might get rejected. Anyone who wants to be a creative professional needs to have a thick skin.

Xeric Foundation logo
The Xeric website.

I applied to self-publish a comic that’s already posted on my website, Moon Queen. I wanted the funds to do a two-color offset print production of that comic. Because I was drafting a plan with potential buckets of cash, I thought about and researched a publishing, marketing, and distribution plan that’s way more ambitious than anything I’ve done with my comics so far. Formulating that plan means the Xeric helped me out before I even mailed in my application. Not getting the Xeric doesn’t mean I can’t implement some (or all) of these ideas in future self-publishing projects, I’ll just need to save my own pennies. But I’m not sure at this point if Moon Queen will exist in print. We’ll see.

Moon Queen cover spread
The cover for Moon Queen, click to read it.

Applying to the Xeric was something I’d been wanting to do since I first started reading about self-publishing comics in high school. I’m glad I finally got my shit together and did it. It’s a bummer that there are no future rounds of Xeric funding. I think the opportunity that the Xeric gave people isn’t quite replaced by self-publishing on the web, which requires a different skill set than self-publishing in print, and Kickstarter, which is only successful if a cartoonist has an existing audience. Fortunately the Sequential Arts Workshop, a new comics school in Florida, recently announced that they’re stepping in to fill the void left by the Xeric with micro-grants for self-publishing. The first deadline is August 15th, 2012, go apply!

June 19th, 2012

Digestate Kickstarter; Two Vortex #2 Reviews

Filed under: Press,Print Comics — Tags: , , , , , , — William Cardini @ 9:59 pm

I’m contributing a short comic to the J.T. Yost-edited food-and-eating themed anthology Digestate along with a bunch of other awesome folks:

Digestate contributors
Digestate promo image by cartoonist Victor Kerlow, who also has a comic in the latest Catch Up.

Yost has already raised funds to print the anthology through Kickstarter. But if y’all want to snag a copy, throw in some bucks here in the next nine days.

I’ve also gotten two reviews of Vortex #2.

Vortex #2 Page 18
Page 18 of Vortex #2.

In Edie Fake’s review for the Quimby’s store site, he says, “Thick-like-a-brick linework barely contains another dose of filled-to-the-brim fill pattern madness.” Click here to read all of Fake’s review and order a copy from Quimby’s in Chicago if you’re so inclined.

Meanwhile, over at Optical Sloth, Kevin says, “Once again the art is amazing, as there are all kinds of creatures and objects floating around that are just begging for a more detailed description, and the story is picking up steam nicely.” Click here to read the entire review.

May 29th, 2012

Catch Up on Sale; Kirby’s Influence on Art Comics

Filed under: Press — Tags: , , , , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:21 am

Whew, it’s been a while since I’ve posted on this blog. I’ve gotten lost in drawing comics and I haven’t had time to put anything here but I’ve met most of my deadlines so I’m going to get back to my regular schedule of Tuesday/Friday blog posts. I’ve got two things to tell y’all about today:

Catch Up Winter Issue, cover by Max Bode.

The Catch Up Winter Issue is for sale. Josh Burggraf and I are the comics editors for this issue of the poetry/comics journal. It has comics by Box Brown, Victor Kerlow, Andrei Molotiu, Jo-Jo Sherrow, and others. You can buy it here.

A Jack Kirby drawing of a Celestial from the Eternals comics.

Robert Boyd, local Houston art critic and former Comics Journal staff member, has written a lengthy blog post discussing Kirby’s impact on art comics, in which he compares Vortex to comics by Jesse Jacobs and Jesse Moynihan. I’m honored to be discussed in such good company.

May 11th, 2012

Vortex #2 Preview

Filed under: Press,Print Comics — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 7:03 am

There’s a five-page preview of Vortex #2 on Squidface & the Meddler, click the screenshot to check it out: (Update 1/13/2017: This preview is no longer up.)

Vortex #2 preview screenshot from Squidface & the Meddler

May 8th, 2012

Consumption Junction, Tribute Comic, Reading Photos

I got a few miscellaneous things to tell y’all about.

First of all, my guest editorship at Novi Magazine continues with a short post about what I’ve been reading lately, The Accidental Space Spy by Øyvind Thorsby and The City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers, both of which are highly entertaining, tongue-in-cheek travelogues. Click the Space Spy screenshot to read my post: (Update 1/13/2017: Novi Magazine and this link are now kaput)

The Accidental Space Spy screenshot

Second, Jason Poland drew a Robbie and Bobby comic that’s a hypercastle tribute! I couldn’t be more flattered since Poland is such an awesome webcartoonist. Click the panel to read his comic in its psychedelic entirety:

Robbie and Bobby Crystal Clear panel

Finally, I have some photos from Melinda and I’s double comic book release party at Domy back in April, all from my wife Glade’s Instagram account:

Glade, Melinda, and her equally talented bf Aaron Whitaker.

Me and Glade.

Me reading my comics.

May 3rd, 2012

Vortex #2 on Sale in my Online Store

Filed under: Press,Print Comics — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 8:18 am

I just added Vortex #2 to my online store.

Vortex #2

You can buy it individually or in a combo pack with #1 for a discount.

Vortex #1 and #2 Combo Pack

Instead of being Xeroxed, Vortex #1 and #2 were printed digitally in black by the Print Shoppe. Unfortunately, this increase in quality comes with an increase in price. But I think they look great. Look at my buddy Grant, he loves it:

Grant Davis with Vortex #2

There’s already an advance review of the first two issues of Vortex on the Novi Magazine site because it’s William Cardini takeover week there! Be warned, that review has minor plot spoilers. Check back on Novi throughout the week for more content related to me in some way.

April 27th, 2012

MoCCA 2012

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:05 pm

Thanks to everyone who came out on Wednesday! I’ll have a more substantial post about the release party up later.

Once again I’ll be missing MoCCA but my presence will be haunting the tables because I have work debuting in two anthologies. Secret Prison #666 has a jam drawing I did with Keenan Marshall Keller and Future Shock, the full-color sf anthology edited by Josh Burrgraf, has my two-page story “Hawk”. If you’re at MoCCA check ’em out!