I recently read the last nine tenths of UBIK by Philip K. Dick while laying in bed hungover, which only amplified the creepiness of its decaying, solipsistic world.

One thing I had never noticed before is how strange the clothing of future-1992 is. With so many things going on, its an easy thing to miss, but lets look at some passages:
“Beside [the chopper] stood a beetle-like individual wearing a Continental outfit: tweed toga, loafers, crimson sash and a purple airplane-propelled beanie.”
From Chapter Seven, Paragraph 52.
“… in gay pinstripe clown-style pajamas, Joe Chip hazily seated himself …”
From Chapter Three, Paragraph One.
Al Hammond was wearing “green felt knickers, gray golf socks, badger-hide open-midriff blouse and imitation patent-leather pumps…”
From Chapter Eight, Paragraph 43.