My buddy Aaron Whitaker, who posts comics with his girlfriend Melinda Tracy Boyce on the Gingham Ghost tumblr, is using Kickstarter to raise money to print his first graphic novel, The City Troll.
Check out the dope cover:
The City Troll is about a guy named Paul who dislikes himself so much, he sees himself as a slimy troll. Over the 180 pages of the book he navigates his inner world of self pity and the outer world of relationships and family. Aaron let me peek at some of the sketchbooks he’s been drawing The City Troll in and I’m really looking forward to reading the whole thing. But don’t take my word for it, watch Aaron’s Kickstarter video and see if that piques your interest:
If you want to see a sample of Aaron’s cartooning chops, check out this pizza mutants one-page comic I dug up from deep in the Gingham Ghost archive:
Aaron’s almost 70% of the way there, help him get that remaining 30% by Tuesday, February 7th!