This past Wednesday Glade and I went to Austin Books and Comics to put up our print show.
Here’s a post-install pic:

The prints will be up and for sale there the entire month of August.
From left to right, we have:
- “One-Color Hypercastle Screenprint” by Mark, $20 – This is the print I was posting about on Tuesday. It’s available in dried and fresh blood red
- “Hyperhut” by Glade, $15 – This is a digital print of a piece that Glade made out of cut paper.
- “Glade and Mark’s Hensel Hypercastle” by Mark, $20 – This is a digital print.
- “Welcome to the Hypercastle” by Glade, $20 – This is a digital print of a gouache original.
- “Rainbow Hypercastle” by Mark, $20 – This is a digital print.
- “Flower Hypercastle” by Glade, $15 – This is a digital print of a gouache original.
- “3D Hypercastle” by Mark, $20 – This is a digital print that’s made in red/blue anaglyph 3D. There are a pair of glasses that you can use to try it out hanging beneath the print.
As you can tell from the names, the theme of our prints is hypercastles. I’ll be posting larger pictures of each print throughout this month. If you want one and you can’t make it to Austin Books, please let me know in a comment or by any of the means on my connect page.