Cropped Will Cardini artwork

October 19th, 2010

Pardon the Pixelated Dust

Filed under: Admin — Tags: — William Cardini @ 12:42 am

Hey y’all, please pardon the mess around this blog, I’m working on updating it but I’m too sleepy to finish it tonite.

I finished updating my main site yesterday, here’s a link to the home page, or you can reach it from this blog’s header. I added a bunch of old, rare, and out-of-print comics to the Comics section.

And of course if any of y’all notice any weird bugs or have any suggestions I’m all ears.

October 15th, 2010

Hypermorph Work on Sale

Filed under: Events — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 9:13 am

Hey y’all, Domy has posted by work from my show Hypermorph for sale online here.

Also, if y’all aren’t in the area and can’t make it out, you can also see most of the work at that link.

October 12th, 2010

Review of Hypermorph on The Great God Pan Is Dead

Robert Boyd reviewed my show Hypermorph at Domy Books Houston on his blog The Great God Pan Is Dead. I appreciate his thoughtful review, you can read it here.

In his review, Boyd quotes my description of the Hyperverse from the press release and then says that his “first reaction to this is that it seems pretty dumb.” Ha! I can dig that. Boyd goes on to say that, what makes my approach to genre dumb is that, unlike the Fort Thunder artists that I am (all-too clearly, I know) influenced by, my work lacks does not take genre ironically or satirically. Well, that’s true. I definitely take genre, even the most ridiculous parts of it, extremely seriously. If you want me to get all metaphorical on you, I feel like I do live in, to quote my description of the Hyperverse, “a realm filled with immensely powerful inhuman beings who battle over worlds with strange geologies and hoard advanced technologies” where “mountains shift from molten to crystal between moments and clumps of rock are inhabited by malevolent intelligences ready to hurl face-melting spells,” a cosmos of constant flux, “of constant magical warfare.”

I mean, look at these photos by Edward Burtynsky:

I’m just reflecting the world as I see it.

And I have a response to Boyd’s final question:

So, if creating boyish sci-fi worlds is an aspect of the whole Fort Thunder aesthetic, can we say that aesthetic is inherently male? And if we accept that, is there a female counterpart? And if so, are plush frog heads a part of it?

I definitely wanted Glade to be a part of my show. I’m well aware of how much of a “boy’s club” all of the collectives that I am a part of (Totally Wreck, The Gold County Paper Mill) slash admire (Okaymountain, Fort Thunder), with some exceptions, are, and it’s something that I don’t like about them. All I can say is, I am going to make sure that my first long-form comics narrative passes the Bechdel Test.

October 8th, 2010

Monster Show 5 Sketch

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 12:23 am

Here’s a sketch that I did to prepare for Monster Show 5, coming up at both Domy stores:

Obviously I’ve been influenced by those Berserk drawz I posted last week. I can’t decide if I should do this in India Ink with a brush and dip pen or do a full-color gouache painting. What do y’all think?

October 1st, 2010

Berserk by Kentaro Miura

Filed under: Inspiration — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:25 am

Yesterday I finished volume two of Prison Pit by Johnny Ryan. I had read an interview with JR somewhere on the interwebs where he said that Kentaro Miura’s Berserk was an influence, so when my buddy and I were at I <3 Video deciding what anime to rent, I had to pick up the first disc of the Berserk anime series. It was pretty good, but now I really want to read the manga.

I mean, check out this page:

Look at how ridiculously large the main character’s sword is. I’m working on a similar character design so I’m taking notes.

Really though, this last drawing just kills it. I’m ordering all 34 volumes of the series that have been translated into English so far.

September 28th, 2010

Hypermorph Opening

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:38 am

The opening of my show Hypermorph went splendidly, thanks to everyone who came out!

Here are some shots of the event, taken by my dad:

left to right: Michael Miles, me, my brother Peter Hensel

left to right: Glade Whitworth, Meg Mata, Karen Cassidy, Chase, some d00d, me, my mom Carol Hensel

The show closes on Oct 21st, so you still have about four weeks to go see it. If you need some enticing, check out this write up in the Houston Press (and yes, it’s true, I was working on my show until the last minute). I’ll post more pics once the show closes.

September 24th, 2010

Hypermorph Opens this Saturday at Domy Houston, 7-9pm

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 7:43 am

Look into the eyes of the Miizzzard:

Hypermorph, new work by William Cardini, opens 9/25 from 7-9pm at Domy Books Houston

Here’s the official invite for my opening:

Hypermorph, new work by William Cardini, opens 9/25 from 7-9pm at Domy Books Houston

I hope to see y’all there!

September 21st, 2010

Hypermorph Process Shots

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:23 am

I’ve been super busy preparing for my show Hypermorph at Domy Books in Houston. It opens September 25th from 7-9pm, y’all should come check it out if you’re in town.

Here’s a shot of the prep table, you can see the skin for the froghead pillow that Glade is making for me, Kevin Huizenga’s Fight or Run (definitely an inspiration), one of my boots, and the froghead boutinnières.

Here’s Glade stuffing the froghead pillow.

We decided to leave some of the stuffing hanging out. You can also see part of one of my drawings for the show in the following pic.

Here’s the froghead pillow chilling with my face pillow.

Here’s an in-process shot of one of the paintings that I’m doing.

Aight I gotta peace y’all and go read the prologue for Towers of Midnight, I’ll check y’all later.

September 10th, 2010

Froghead Sez “Deal With It”

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 7:30 am

I’m busy working on the final pieces for my show. I won’t show much more until after the opening so this blog might be a bit empty until then, but I couldn’t resist making this and posting it:

September 7th, 2010

Hypermorph Poster

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:36 am

I finished the poster for my Domy Show last nite, here it is:

The opening will be 7-9 on Saturday, 9/25, at Domy Houston, 1709 Westheimer.