Cropped Will Cardini artwork

September 20th, 2011

Labor Day in Louisville Part 1: Summer/Fall Catch Up Issue

Filed under: Print Comics — Tags: — William Cardini @ 9:49 pm

This past Labor Day I took a trip to Louisville and hung out with GCPM members Jeff:

Jeff likes to put my high school artwork on his walls for some reason.

And Chuch:

I also got to meet some members of the Louisville branch of the GCP for the first time (no pics sorry).

What’s really exciting is that Jeff had stacks of the Summer/Fall issue of our literary/comics magazine, Catch Up, ready to mail out to contributors (click here for a full list):

Catch Up table

The Summer/Fall issue has a poetry book and a separate, full-color magazine-sized comics section. They come bundled together in a nice brown paper bag screenprinted with our logo. Here’s a shot of my copy:

Catch Up closeup
Mike Miles did both of the covers. I edited the comics section and drew interior illustrations for the poetry book.

You can buy a copy to this issue or a one-year, three-issue subscription at the bottom of this page.

September 16th, 2011

Ditch the Fest Fest 2

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:39 am

Ditch the Fest Fest 2, an Austin music/art festival happening in the shadow of the Austin City Limits festival, is this upcoming Saturday. I drew a flyer for it, check it out:

Ditch the Fest Fest 2 flyer by Cardini

It’ll be a fun time, check it out. They’ll be screenprinting t-shirts with one-color versions of my flyer at the fest.

September 13th, 2011

“Please Save Maria Kondratiev” Art Show with Music by Katie Mullins and Zine Library

This Saturday, starting at 7pm, my friend Alison Kuo is hosting an art show at her space in Brooklyn called “Please Save Maria Kondratiev” with music and a zine library. The artist is Maria Kondratiev, here’s a drawing of hers from 2008:

Maria Kondratiev sketch
“We Can Use Him” sketch by Kondratiev from her blog.

The musician is Katie Mullins.

Because the show coincides with the Brooklyn Book Fest, Kuo is also organizing a zine library with chapbooks by James Yeh, illustrated by Andrew Bulger; interview and other booklets by Temporary Services; prints by Rand Renfrow; and comics by yours truly, Jak Cardini, Josh Burggraf, and Mike Miles of the Gold County Paper Mill; and others. I wanted to have a new zine but I didn’t finish it in time, so I sent a bunch of my old stuff, including the last issue of Catch Up.

Come check it out! There’ll be drinks and food, but please BYOB and bring your friends. The space, Darling House, is located at the corner of Broadway and Union – Lorimer JMZ, Broadway G, or a ten minute walk from the Lorimer L. Look for the glass door, ring top buzzer.

September 9th, 2011

SPX 2011: Secret Prison #5 Debut

Filed under: Print Comics — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 1:00 am

Y’all are only getting one post this week because I was out of town for Labor Day weekend, hanging with the Kentucky branch of the GCPM. I’ll have more detailed posts about that for y’all soon, but right now I want to talk about the debut of Secret Prison #5 this weekend at SPX 2011 in Bethesda, Maryland.

As I’ve mentioned, I’m the co-featured artist for this issue, which means I drew the back cover. Here’s a shot of Ian Harker, the editor, holding up the published ish:

Secret Prison #5

My comix hero, Tom Scioli, is the featured artist. He drew the cover and a four-page interior comic.

The issue will be at the free table all of SPX.

Also debuting will be a new mini by Pat Aulisio called “C’mon Man” that features his faceless guy and the bear/deer/lion god he rides.

September 2nd, 2011

3D Hypercastle Print

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:25 am

Here’s the final print from Glade and I’s show at Austin Books:

3D Hypercastle

This digital print is called “3D Hypercastle” because it’s red/blue anaglyph 3D. I kept the blue stationary and shifted the red layers, so the 3D glasses that I got from Toy Joy only work if you fold them backwards.

Here’s a colored, non-3D version of the print:

Colored 3D Hypercastle

Although the show is no longer up in the back room of Austin Books, you can still buy them from us or from the print rack at Austin Books:

Austin Books print rack

Let me know if you want to get something. Here are the links to the rest of our prints:

August 30th, 2011

Flower Hypercastle by Glade Hensel and Ads in Secret Prison #5

Hey y’all, sorry I made a mistake with my blogging and released an incomplete post early on Monday instead of today. Here’s the post that I intended to publish this morning:

Here’s a print that Glade made for our show at Austin Books (Speaking of our show, if any of y’all want to see our prints at Austin Books and haven’t yet, this week is your last chance! Tomorrow is the last day.):

Flower Hypercastle by Glade Hensel

This print is called “Flower Hypercastle.” It’s a digital print of a gouache painting. This past Saturday Glade and I just hung out at home, painted, and watched Mad Men. I spend so much time working on comics on the computer that I forget how relaxing and visceral painting can be. I’m going to try to make painting more a part of my regular art routine.

Something I’m excited about but haven’t mentioned on here yet is that I’m the co-featured artist for Secret Prison #5. It’s especially exciting because I love the work of the featured artist, Tom Scioli. Gødland is one of my favorite comics. I’m bringing it up now because it’s debuting at SPX in a week and a half and they’re looking for people to buy ad space before this Sunday, Sept 3rd. Here’s an information sheet (with a small preview of Scioli’s dope cover):

Secret Prison Ad Sheet

If any of y’all want me to draw your ad for you just drop me a line at mark p hensel /at/ g mail /dot/ com.

August 26th, 2011

Rainbow Hypercastle

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:31 am

Here’s a print that I made for Glade and I’s show at Austin Books:

Rainbow Hypercastle

It’s called “Rainbow Hypercastle.” I was mashing together flying whales, Penrose triangles, floating islands, space, custom patterns, rainbows, and the devil’s fork.

August 23rd, 2011

Welcome to the Hypercastle by Glade Hensel

Filed under: Inspiration — Tags: , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:09 am

Here’s a print that Glade made for our show at Austin Books:

Welcome to the Hypercastle by Glade Hensel

This print is called “Welcome to the Hypercastle.” It’s a digital print of a gouache painting. I love Glade’s text treatment. You can see a similar design that she did for a Happy Birthday card here.

August 19th, 2011

Glade and Mark’s Hensel Hypercastle

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:00 am

Here’s a print that I made for Glade and I’s show at Austin Books:

Hensel Hypercastle

This print is called “Glade and Mark’s Hensel Hypercastle” because Glade suggested I base one of our hypercastle prints on the hypercastle I drew for this page of my comic “Rocky Mountain Chomp.” I was originally going to make a two-color screenprint, but I designed the screens with overprinting (so I wouldn’t have to worry about precise registration) without realizing that the bottom blue layer would show through the yellow top layer. Rookie mistake!

August 16th, 2011

Hyperhut by Glade Hensel

Filed under: Inspiration — Tags: , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:50 am

Here’s the first print that Glade made for our show at Austin Books:

Hyperhut by Glade Hensel

This print is called “Hyperhut.” It’s a digital print of a cut-paper design except for the roof of the hut, which is patterned tape made by the Japanese company MT that Glade found.