Cropped Will Cardini artwork

September 7th, 2012

Character Design Process for the Miizzzard of the Year One Million

Filed under: Artwork,Sketchbook Pages — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 10:10 am

This past week I’ve been working on a new character design, for the Miizzzard of the Year One Million. I’m cracking the lid open on my creative process a little by showing you the incarnations of this character, from oldest to newest.

This design is a variation on a character I came up with for a comic back in 2010 that I never ended up making. I drew this in full color with no outlines in Photoshop:

I decided to follow this basic design but come up with a female version that also incorporates elements from the Miizzzard of the Year 2978. I started doing sketches like this one I posted a little over a month ago:

I did a couple of sketches on my lunch break this past Wednesday and liked this one:

Wednesday night I did a drawing with the fills and outlines how I want them in MangaStudio:

I wasn’t too happy with the proportions. I asked some friends what they thought. They said she looked like a half-naked cave-woman. Since that isn’t quite what I’m going for I did some more sketches on my lunch break. This is my favorite (I riffed on how Jonny Negron draws hands):

Here’s the final color version:

It’s always been my plan to have multiple Miizzzards in my comics.

September 4th, 2012

Jim Starlin’s “Metamorphosis Odyssey” in Epic Illustrated

Filed under: Comics Criticism,SF Reviews — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:42 am

This past weekend I was flipping through some issues of Epic Illustrated that I bought a while ago on a trip but never got to reading. Epic Illustrated was an attempt by Marvel to cash in on the popularity of Heavy Metal. It was an opportunity for mainstream creators like John Buscema, Neal Adams, and Jim Starlin to draw fantasy and sf stories outside the restrictions of the comics code.

Metamorphic Odyssey by Jim Starlin
A page from the chapter of Jim Starlin’s “Metamorphic Odyssey” in the October 1981 issue of Epic Illustrated. This page has all of the protagonists: a warrior, a nude fairy woman with butterfly wings, an Earth woman, the wizard Aknaton, and the alien cannibal Za. From this blog post.

The first nine issues of Epic Illustrated serialized an epic sf comic by Jim Starlin called “Metamorphosis Odyssey.” I’ve only read two issues but, from what I’ve seen, the story draws on Egyptian mythology to describe a battle for the fate of the galaxy. There’s a quest for a powerful artifact called the Infinity Horn, which seems familiar to me after reading Starlin’s Thanos-centric miniseries, but Starlin uses the freedom of Epic Illustrated to tell a story that has greater consequences than any cosmic battle in a Marvel comic.

Metamorphic Odyssey by Jim Starlin
The splash page for Chapter IX of “Metamorphic Odyssey” in the June 1981 issue of Epic Illustrated. The humanoid on the left, Aknaton, is talking to the god Ra. Aknaton is from the planet Orsirus. These are the Egyptian elements of the story. I like how this page and the previous one I selected incorporate geometric elements. From this blog post.

Starlin continues the story of “Metamorphosis Odyssey” in other graphic novels and his creator-owned series Dreadstar. Despite being a big fan of Starlin’s work in Warlock and Silver Surfer, I haven’t read Dreadstar, but “Metamorphosis Odyssey” makes me want to buy the recently released Dreadstar Omnibus.

Jim Starlin paintings for Dreadstar
I scanned this page of paintings from a Jim Starlin interview in the December 1981 issue of Epic Illustrated. I think they’re supposed to illustrate scenes from the sequels.

What’s interesting about “Metamorphosis Odyssey” is that Starlin paints, rather than draws, the comic. In the first issue the paintings are grayscale but they switch to full color in the second. There’s an interview with Jim Starlin in the December 1981 issue where Starlin talks about his process. He used “blue or reddish-orange” matte boards as the substrate (depending on “the overall tone” he wanted) and then painted in highlights, shadows, and containing lines. He got this technique from looking at Frazetta. This is the only full-color story that I’ve seen Starlin do this way. He says that “the texture of the board kind of threw [him] off in the printing.” I wonder if the paintings could be reproduced more accurately with contemporary printing techniques.

Jim Starlin Metamorphosis Odyssey
I scanned this page from Chapter X of “Metamorphosis Odyssey” in the August 1981 issue of Epic Illustrated. I love how this page is designed, it’s got movement and bold colors. There’s a pretty extensive article on “Metamorphosis Odyssey” and its sequels on Wikipedia if you want to know more.

I also learned some biographical facts about Starlin from the interview. He served in Vietnam War, which was a primary inspiration for “Metamorphosis Odyssey,” but was kicked out for his attitude. One thing that Starlin did to get discharged was to draw and distribute an anti-war comic called The Eagle. I’d like to see that!

August 31st, 2012

One Day Left to Contribute to THE PROJECTS Kickstarter

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:10 am

The Projects is an interesting Kickstarter campaign that was brought to my attention by a comment from the cartoonist Dunja Janković on Dan Nadel’s anti-crowdfunding post on The Comics Journal. In the comment she defends crowd-funding by bringing up the European model for comic festivals that are funded by government grants and sponsors. The European model for comics festivals seems very different from the American one (NB: I’ve only been to an American festival), less focused on individual artists selling their wares from behind a table and more focused on exhibiting and celebrating comics art. The Projects is an attempt by Janković, Jason Leivian (proprietor of Floating World Comics and one third of the publishing collective Press Gang), and others to bring that type of festival to Portland October 19th through 21st.

The Projects postcard

Today is the final day that you can contribute to the Kickstarter campaign for The Projects and as of me writing this (at about 10pm CST on Thursday) they still need a little under a thousand. Please spread the word and throw some cash in if you can! I think this is a really interesting idea. My favorite part of going to a con is the panels and talking to other comics enthusiasts – sitting behind a table trying to sell my comics can be exhausting. The Projects changes that dynamic by centering all of the comics sales in a pop-up shop and having a lot more panels and live art.

The Projects poster

I’d love to see something like this happen in Austin, is anyone else into that idea?

August 28th, 2012

Paper Party

Filed under: Life — Tags: , , , , , , — William Cardini @ 9:36 pm

My wife is opening up a shop called Paper Party in Domy Books in Austin. She’s going to sell stationary, art, party supplies, and gifts.

Paper Party screenprinting picture
A photo by Glade from when Glade and Laura were screenprinting Paper Party/Olive tote bags for the preview party.

Paper Party is going in the former Domy gallery space alongside a vintage and handmade clothing and accessory shop called Olive, run by our friend Laura Uhlir. There’s still going to be a gallery but it’s moving to a different area. Paper Party and Olive Vintage set up a sneak peek of their shops this past weekend. They’ll be open every Tuesday through Sunday starting on September 1st.

Paper Party preview
Two photos of the Paper Party sneak peek by Glade.

Watching all of the store items trickle in the staging area in our house has been fun. I think Paper Party is going to be fantastic and I’m so proud of Glade! Running her own boutique has been her dream for years and it’s finally becoming a reality. She’s supporting other craftspeople by selling their stuff on consignment and working to source sustainable and reusable party supplies.

Photos of Glade in her studio by Laura Uhlir
Two photos of Glade in her studio by Laura.

I’m so lucky to be married to be such an awesome lady. You should check out this profile of Glade that Laura posted on her Rad Lady blog. Laura took a bunch of beautiful photos of our house.

August 24th, 2012

Five-Eyed Office-Dwelling Cat-Demon #3

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:37 am

Here’s a drawing:

Five-Eyed Cat Demon #3

You can see all of my five-eyed office-dwelling cat demon drawings here.

August 21st, 2012

The Dancers at the End of Time by Michael Moorcock

Filed under: SF Reviews — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:42 am

Last week I stayed up late almost every night devouring The Dancers at the End of Time trilogy by Michael Moorcock. The three books are An Alien Heat (1971), The Hollow Lands (1974), and The End of All Songs (1976).

An Alien Heat written by Michael Moorcock cover by Mark Rubin and Irving Freeman
Cover by Mark Rubin and Irving Freeman. This is the edition that I read, I picked them all up in the clearance section of Half-Price Books.

The setting is Earth at the end of time, and humanity has achieved immortality, seemingly inexhaustible energy sources, and highly advanced technology that you can use to create anything imaginable by manipulating power rings. But because the human race has been around for millions and millions of years, concepts that are so integral to our lives like work, religion, philosophy, art, and morality have lost all meaning. So instead of using their nearly unlimited power to create great monuments or explore the galaxy, our descendants throw elaborate parties where they try to one-up each other and have casual sex regardless of gender or familial relation.

An Alien Heat written by Michael Moorcock cover by Sue Greene
Cover by Sue Greene. Also from my personal library. Moorcock books always have great covers.

It’s never made clear exactly how humanity came to this point of ultimate decadence but it reminds me of the Stanislaw Lem short story “Altruizine,” collected in his fantastic book The Cyberiad. In this story, the constructor Klaupacius travels to a planet with a civilization that has attained the Highest Possible Level of Development (H.P.L.D.). Instead of doing advanced scientific or altruistic works, the inhabitants of this planet (which is shaped like a cube) loaf about in hyper-intelligent sand and only pick their noses or scratch their butts. Eventually, after some coercion, an inhabitant of this planet explains that the H.P.L.D.’s tried astro-engineering but gave up after deciding that there was really no reason to remake nature – “Would the universe be a better place if stars were triangular, or comets went around on wheels?”. The H.P.L.D.’s then tried to make all sentient beings in the universe happy but discovered that it was impossible to do so. Therefore, they’ve given meddling up and just lay around observing and pleasuring themselves.

An Alien Heat written by Michael Moorcock cover artist unknown
Cover artist unknown. I saved the best for last. From Michael Moorcock’s personal site.

So, probably with a similar outlook, the inhabitants of the Earth at the end of time only party, trying out different styles, ideas, and experiences out of an unquenchable desire for novelty. Of course, if Moorcock’s The Dancers at the End of Time was only this elaborate setting, the trilogy would quickly become boring. The conflict comes from time travelers that end up stranded in this idyll and find it disgusting debauchery but are unable to escape because of the nature of time travel in this cosmos. The protagonist, Jherek Carnelian, the last man born from a womb (rather than created as a fully-formed adult), and thus a darling of this future society, decides that his latest affectation is going to be falling in love with one of the time travelers, a woman named Mrs. Underwood from a 19th century suburb of London. The interplay and misunderstandings between Jherek and Mrs. Underwood form the comic core of these novels. Every interaction between a delight to read. And the plot is fast-paced. Moorcock throws up marvel after marvel, twist after twist. I highly recommend this trilogy. I get the sense that it ties in loosely with Moorcock’s multiverse. The protagonist’s name, Jherek Carnelian, echoes that of one of the Eternal Champions, Jerry Cornelius, a hip spy and provocateur. I’ve only read Elric so I’m not familiar enough to catch any other references but I plan on reading more Moorcock soon, including a short story collection in this same setting.

August 17th, 2012

I’m on Pat Aulisio’s New Podcast

Filed under: Inspiration — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:46 am

Pat Aulisio has started a podcast where he talks to his friends. Although everyone who’s been on his show so far is involved in comics, the podcasts have mainly been about movies and tv shows and other things.

Photo from Pat’s announcement about his podcast (Pat’s yawning on the right).

Yesterday he posted his episode with me, click here to check it out (Update 1/15/2017: The podcast is gone.).

We talked about a bunch of stuff, including:

  • Living in Texas

Marfa Lights by Erica Lambertson Philippe (2011).

  • Marfa Mystery Lights
  • William Cardini’s secret origin

A photo from a performance I did with Lanneau White back in January of 2007 (I’m in a Miizzzard costume). Click here for more on the Miizzzard’s beginnings in performance art.

  • Performance art and performing comics

My favorite Philip K Dick book (and therefore one of my favorite all-time sf books). Cover art by Peter Gudynas.

  • SF books, comics, movies, and TV shows

August 14th, 2012

Making Progress on Vortex #3

Filed under: Print Comics — Tags: — William Cardini @ 11:37 pm

I’m in a deep groove of working on Vortex #3 right now.

Here’s a quick preview, cropped from a page I just finished drawing but haven’t added patterns to yet:

Vortex #3 Preview Panels

My goal is to have Vortex #3 ready for BCGF (I’m on the waiting list, so I’ll be there either as an exhibitor or attendee).

August 10th, 2012

Avant Geek at the Phoenix Trade Depot

Hey y’all, I’m selling copies of Vortex #1 and Vortex #2 at the Avant Geek art show at the Phoenix Trade Depot here in Austin.

The show opens this Saturday, here are the deetz:

P.S. Thickness #3 (and Sean T Collins and I’s contribution in particular) is mentioned on Episode 4 of the Comic Books are Burning in Hell podcast (audio is NSFW). Jog name drops my old, never completed comics series Hyperbox. You can read some of HB on my Flickrstream.

P.P.S. Did y’all know that I have a personal tumblr where I post drawings and that Josh Burggraf and I run a Gold County Paper Mill tumblr?

August 7th, 2012

The Quest of the Riddle-Master by Patricia McKillip

Filed under: SF Reviews — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 9:14 pm

I just finished the fantasy trilogy The Quest of the Riddle-Master, written by Patricia McKillip. The three books are The Riddle-Master of Hed (1976), Heir of Sea and Fire (1977), and Harpist in the Wind (1979). The trilogy is a beautifully written story with many twists and turns. I won’t spoil any specific plot points but I’m going to discuss the story generally in this review.

Harpist in the Wind by Patricia McKillip cover by Darrell K Sweet
Cover art by Darrell K Sweet. I’m not really a fan of Sweet’s Wheel of Time covers but I dig this one. From my personal collection.

Click here to read the rest and see some of my spoilery fan art.