Cropped Will Cardini artwork

December 28th, 2007

"Nebula Maker and Four Encounters" by Olaf Stapledon (1983)

Filed under: Uncategorized — William Cardini @ 12:23 am

Nebula Maker and Four Encounters_Olaf Stapledon_1983
Originally uploaded by M I I Z Z Z A R D

It could be that only my closest friends know why I consider this such an amazing find, but let me just say this: I’m glad that no one goes to the Half Price Books at MOPAC and Parmer in Austin.


  1. i would like to know why you consider this such an amazing find. <3 boo

    Comment by What I'm doing Tonight — December 28th, 2007 @ 10:34 am

  2. I was feeling lazy when I wrote that. My closest friends prolly wouldn’t know why that book is so awesome, just my dad and my brother. Olaf Stapledon is one of the original sf writers and is an atheist commie from England, “Nebula Maker” is one of his rarer books and I hadn’t even heard of “Four Encounters” before I held this book in my hands. To compound the awesomeness (and also make this book a little weird), it has illustrations by Jim Starlin, one of the most psychedelic sf comic artist/writers that Marvel had working for them in the 70s.

    Comment by The Miizzzard — December 28th, 2007 @ 10:49 am

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