Cropped Will Cardini artwork

February 5th, 2010

Draw Thyme X Sketch Klubb

Filed under: Sketchbook Pages — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 2:42 am

Last nite was Draw Thyme X Sketch Klubb, one of my favorite activities. I get together with a bunch of kewl ppl and we just hang out and draw all nite. I think that just spending time drawing whatever I want in my sketchbook is very important to my artistic practice. I would show y’all my sketches from last nite, but they weren’t very good, so I scanned some pages from the nite before last, when I was drawing at the laundromat.

When I was sketching on this page I was thinking about Obama’s recent budget change for NASA, so I was drawing spaceships and arcologies on Ganymede (or Callisto? I can never remember which moon is farthest from Jupiter).

On this second page I was drawing cartoon Glade, a dragon, and a character based off of the black mage from Final Fantasy I.


  1. I love these! I hope that the Austin Sketch Klubb comes out with a zine or book sometime soon.

    Comment by Corinna — February 18th, 2010 @ 2:15 pm

  2. Yeah that’d be awesome! We’re definitely less organized than the Houston Sketch Klubb tho so IDK …

    Comment by Mark P Hensel — February 21st, 2010 @ 8:31 pm

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