Cropped Will Cardini artwork

September 28th, 2010

Hypermorph Opening

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 7:38 am

The opening of my show Hypermorph went splendidly, thanks to everyone who came out!

Here are some shots of the event, taken by my dad:

left to right: Michael Miles, me, my brother Peter Hensel

left to right: Glade Whitworth, Meg Mata, Karen Cassidy, Chase, some d00d, me, my mom Carol Hensel

The show closes on Oct 21st, so you still have about four weeks to go see it. If you need some enticing, check out this write up in the Houston Press (and yes, it’s true, I was working on my show until the last minute). I’ll post more pics once the show closes.

April 13th, 2010

MoCCA 2010 Recap

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:37 pm

MoCCA was a blast this year, as always. I got a tonnnnn of awesome-looking minicomics, newsprint comic anthologies, and other books. I was glad that it was in April this year rather than June – NYC in June is too much like Austin in June, but NYC in April is a nice cool break from the high temperatures that are already here in Texas.

The only panel that I went to was Frank Santoro and Dash Shaw in Conversation. They talked mainly about color in comics, and how it differs from color in a painting. Frank talked about how he puts together a page of Cold Heat, which was fascinating. He really made me see how offset comics are a form of printmaking just like serigraphy. I came away with a lot of good ideas for my next project, which you’ll hear more about later…

While I was in NYC I finally got to meet my collaborator Josh Burggraf in person. I chilled with him at the Supertalk Comix table (where we had copies of SHAMAN THUNDER for sale), met the Supertalk d00dz and drew this jam comic:

Panel One: Josh, Panel Two: Me, Panel Three: Victor Kerlow, Panel Four: Josh, Panel Five: Jeremy Povolny, Panel Six: Me

On Sunday I went to the MOMA, where there’s a William Kentridge show up. He always makes me want to buckle down and get some animation done. I’d seen his angrier videos before but I also saw some that were more mournful and beautiful, as well as some amazing playful ones that reminded me of early cinema.

I didn’t end up unloading all of my copies of SHAMAN THUNDER so if you want one let me know. We’re selling them for two dollars.

March 26th, 2010

WITCH ATTACKS Screenprints for Sale

As I’ve mentioned, the incredibly talented Rand Renfrow made some dope-ass three-color screenprints of my one-page comic Witch ATTACKS (previously featured on Reynard Seifert’s site hahaclever). Look at these things, they’re perfect, it looks like a machine made them:

If you’re interested in owning one of these limited edition bad boys, they’re on sale at Domy here in Austin or you can just buy one from me. Leave a comment or send an email to [RE DAC TED] at g mail dot com.

Also, check out this video interview that the League of Extremely Ordinary Gentlemen d00dz did of me and Glade at STAPLE! alongside a bunch of other talented exhibitors. We’re the first ones in this video and there are four more that you can check out if you want to see who all was at STAPLE!:

Because I didn’t give him a shout out in the video, props to Robert Bozwell, fellow member of the GCPM, for the work that he did designing the Catch Up website!

March 23rd, 2010

SXSW Recap

This past week was South by Southwest here in Austin which is always hectic.

I didn’t do too much, just hung out at various spots on the east side. I went to Domy Books for 20 Zines in 2 Days, put on by my buddy Rand Renfrow of Test Everything and the folks at Winners! Press. Unfortunately (for me) it was so crowded that I never got a chance to draw, but I did get to check out Katy Horan’s awesome art show there.

I also went to Okaymountain. In the main room they had a totally dope show called Temple of Booom, a collaborative installation by the artist-run alternative space Cinders Gallery that will be open til April 17th. Then, in the project space, they had drawings by a group of dope-ass artists from Lawrence, KS who call themselves the Asteroid Head Art Club. They were all wearing maroon Asteroid Head jumpsuits with wigs and tiny little flags, here’s a pic of me posing with one of ’em:


The bands at Okaymountain were the best that I heard all South By (not that I heard that many):

  • Silent Diane, an electro/new wave band from Austin who just put out a marbled blue 7″
  • White Mice, a noise band from Providence who wear crazy mice costumes emblazoned with Satanist slogans and play cymbals topped with saw blades
  • Chica Vas, a seventeen-piece all-woman, mostly percussion band from Austin, Brooklyn, and Osaka who got the whole room dancing on Saturday nite
  • These Are Powers, a kewl electronic band from Brooklyn

March 9th, 2010

STAPLE! 2010 Recap

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , , , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:47 pm

Thanks to everyone who came out to see the Gold County Paper Mill and Glademade at our half table this year, we had a blast!

Left to right: Dave Fullen and Dr. Chuch of the GCPM, and one of the guys from the Poopsheet Foundation

Each year STAPLE! gets better for us and we really appreciate y’all for making it happen. As you can see, the GCPM debuted a lot of new items at this show, including our DVD of performance art, GPCM t-shirts, David Fullen’s zine of sci-fi short-short stories Swimming at Work, Jak Cardini’s poetry chapbook There Is a Mars, and dope three-color screenprints of my one-page comic WITCH ATTACKS done by the super talented Rand Renfrow as part of his publishing initiative Test Everything. Next year, we’ll have even more – we’re definitely going to have to get a full table.

And for all of y’all who weren’t at STAPLE!, never fear, we’ll be posting our new items for sale here or on our etsy soon. And hey, if you don’t want to wait, just leave a comment or send an email to [RE DAC TED] at gmail dot com (no spaces).

January 12th, 2010

2009 Recap

2009 was a great year here at the Hypercastle! Here’s some of the highlights:

  • I self-published two minicomics:
    • TRANZ, a collection of one-page shorts based around action verbs like “melt,” “grow,” “muliply,” and so on; copies available from me or at Domy Books in Austin
    • Froghead Hangover, a short autobiographical story about when I was living by myself in an apartment and had a run-in with a shaman; copies available from me, at Domy Books in Austin, or at Austin Books
  • I had my comics in issues of Smoke Signal, Taffy Hips, and the online zine
  • I was in a few art shows, including Monster Show #4 at Domy and No More Worlds at Concertina Gallery in Chicago, which was picked as one of the top art shows of 2009 by Time Out Chicago (congrats to all the other artists and the curators!)
  • I participated in STAPLE! 2009 alongside the rest of the Gold County Paper Mill and in E.A.S.T. 2009 with my lady Glade Whitworth
  • I finally finished making websites for the G.C.P.M. and Glade (linked above)

2010 is already shaping up to be a great year, here’s hoping that it’ll blow 2009 out of the water! I’ve got several projects in work with some awesome and skilled creative people that I’ll be talking about as they manifest, a half-table for the G.C.P.M. and Glademade at STAPLE! 2010, and ideas for plenty of more comics that I’ll be submitting or self-publishing. I hope that everyone out there is having a great start to the new year, thanks for reading!

November 24th, 2009

East Austin Studio Tour Recap/Witchcraft

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: — William Cardini @ 4:28 pm

First of, thanks to everyone who came out to our studio for E.A.S.T.! I had a lot of fun. It was also a hectic and exhausting weekend, and I’m looking forward to relaxing over Thanksgiving and then getting back to it in December. While I was cleaning up my studio and then sitting around I had a lot of mental space to plan out how to arrange my studio for maximum productivity and efficiency. As we all know, making comics/art/whatever is a time-consuming process so I try to streamline it as much as possible. I’m also trying to figure out the best model and publishing strategy for my comics and other drawz going forward – traditional, screenprinting, POD, web, some sort of mix. I’ll post more on this once I have something concrete, but don’t count on anything semi-coherent emerging from the haze.

To keep pumped about all this through the post-event malaise I’ve been listening to doom metal, recommended to me by my buddy Ryan Lauderdale. One of my new favorite tracks is Her Sisters They Were Weak from retro-doom-psych-folk band Witchcraft’s 2004 self-titled album.

November 17th, 2009

First Weekend of E.A.S.T. 2009 Recap

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:47 am

First of all, thanks to everyone who came by Boongoo Studio, stop #125 on the East Austin Studio Tour this past weekend!

I got to play host to friends and talk to some new people, including our awesome neighbor Thor Harris and these guys Ben Goddard and Daniel. Ben and Daniel recently moved to Austin from the East Coast and have settled in to Glade and I’s old house. Ben sent me his website, he takes some pretty hilarious, well-constructed photos, including this one:

Here’s a shot of something that I haven’t posted before:

It’s a collaboration between me and Glade, it was a landscape that I didn’t use for the No More Worlds show that Glade added a bunch of awesome details to. Speaking of that No More Worlds show, I should have all of those drawings back next week, so come by if you want to check ’em out!

Here’s a shot of Aaron Flynn’s installation, which I didn’t have a photo of last week:

That inside-out polar bear/coyote is amazing.

And finally, thanks to Kate Watson for the shout out on Glasstire! I invite you all to come by and snoop this next weekend.

April 18th, 2009

STAPLE! 2009

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 2:24 pm

Belated post of some picx from STAPLE! 2009…

Here’s me and my lady, she sold her wonderful glademade products alongside those of the GCPM.

STAPLE! 2009

Here’s summa the stuffz we had for sale.

STAPLE! 2009

Here’s me and the boyz (left to right: Dr. Chuch, XyphaP, &myself).

STAPLE! 2009

STAPLE! was a real good time, we moved plenty of product and wayyy more ppl showed up than last year, so thanks Austin and Uncle Staple for making it such a success! Look for the GCP and glademade at Zine Fest Houston, coming up May 16th!

October 17th, 2007


Filed under: Events,Recaps — William Cardini @ 5:47 pm

Thnx to Ben Aqua fur di foto.