Cropped Will Cardini artwork

January 12th, 2010

2009 Recap

2009 was a great year here at the Hypercastle! Here’s some of the highlights:

  • I self-published two minicomics:
    • TRANZ, a collection of one-page shorts based around action verbs like “melt,” “grow,” “muliply,” and so on; copies available from me or at Domy Books in Austin
    • Froghead Hangover, a short autobiographical story about when I was living by myself in an apartment and had a run-in with a shaman; copies available from me, at Domy Books in Austin, or at Austin Books
  • I had my comics in issues of Smoke Signal, Taffy Hips, and the online zine
  • I was in a few art shows, including Monster Show #4 at Domy and No More Worlds at Concertina Gallery in Chicago, which was picked as one of the top art shows of 2009 by Time Out Chicago (congrats to all the other artists and the curators!)
  • I participated in STAPLE! 2009 alongside the rest of the Gold County Paper Mill and in E.A.S.T. 2009 with my lady Glade Whitworth
  • I finally finished making websites for the G.C.P.M. and Glade (linked above)

2010 is already shaping up to be a great year, here’s hoping that it’ll blow 2009 out of the water! I’ve got several projects in work with some awesome and skilled creative people that I’ll be talking about as they manifest, a half-table for the G.C.P.M. and Glademade at STAPLE! 2010, and ideas for plenty of more comics that I’ll be submitting or self-publishing. I hope that everyone out there is having a great start to the new year, thanks for reading!

January 8th, 2010

Hopital Brut 9 Release Party

Filed under: Events,Print Comics — Tags: , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:54 am

I just saw on the Good vs Evil magazine blog that Hopital Brut #9 is having a launch party the nite of January 14th at Deborah Zafman Gallery, which is at 3 – 5 passage des Gravilliers in Paris.

Grafik survival kit / Sick-screengangblast/print and fold by handslavery/320 pages / differents sizes A4 +A5+A?????/ 280 sickscreen copies…

artistes internés : g / bolino / bretch vanderbroucke/ dave guedin / miruki tusko / nuvish / llcool jo/tonymar/ Massimiliano Bomba/ stumead /mathieu desjardins /elzo /mat brinkman/joao montreal/anne vanderlinden /jean kristeau /sam rictus /edward warez /keenan marshall keller /lionel darque /cripa+zekke / marthes bathori /moolinex /andreas marchal / kirckpatrick /craoman /owen plummer /edouard baribaud / Luke Ramsey /kazuya hoara/benjamin monti / mike diana /sekitani / yokogaga /lois lucas/valium /keiti ota /valparess /quicky /vida loco /vero /yannbo /krishna thorburn/marcusnyblom/pierre marty/ william cardini/quentin faucompre /christophe de fabry /fredox /mathias leihmann/remi/levasseur/patrick jannin /le liquidede la tete /andy bolus /yann taillefer /stephanie lucas /omer /george tourlas /marty /marcus nyblom /daniel cantrel / criellard /carosury / reijo /franck chatron /pascal nichols/dave 2000 /tommy musturi /carlos thomas /judex/yvang /laurie franck /pit /zven /bertoyas /laetitia /tourlas /ghana /kapreless/pit/criellard/andre lemos /zeke/gnot guedin /michel goyon /olivier texier/elmer presslee /antoinebernhart/didier progeas/ matti hagelberg /georgegarakis /misha good /gea /ichiba daisuke/bald eagle/

Sortie le 14 Janvier au soir à la galerie Deborah Zafman
3-5 passage des gravilliers
75003 PARIS
+ exposition Christophe de Fabry+expo planches dernier cri /

Hopital Brut is printed by the legendary French publishing collective Le Dernier Cri.

I’m super stoked to be a part of this book alongside some of my drawing heroes!

December 18th, 2009

The GCPM at A Very Portland Christmas in Louisville KY

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:21 am

This upcoming Saturday the Gold County Paper Mill will be selling our wares at A Very Portland Christmas from 1pm to 8pm. This event is hosted by Nelligan Hall, which is at 2010 Portland Avenue, Louisville KY. I’m mailing some copies of my comics Froghead Hangover, TRANZ, Masks, and two color ATTACKS posters. In addition we’ll have a new GCPM Presents 2 DVD, compiled by Dr. Chuch; two of Jak Cardini’s poetry chapbooks, Jak Cardini Achieves the Narratological Singularity and There Is a Mars; and the collaborative comic/poetry Cardini Brothers joint Impossible Objects.

And finally, we’ll be selling tshirts that Sarah Cassidy and Jak Cardini screenprinted with some of my drawings and the Catch Up drawing I posted on Tuesday, here are some pictures:

December 4th, 2009

Smoke Signal #3 at the First Annual Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Fest

Smoke Signal #3, put out by Desert Island‘s Gabriel Fowler, is debuting at the first annual Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival.

The festival, hosted by Desert Island and PictureBox, will be this upcoming Saturday, Dec 5th, from 11am to 7pm at Our Lady of Consolation Church, 184 Metropolitan Ave, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. If I lived in the tri-state area, I’d definitely be there, the lineup looks amazing and admission is free.

Smoke Signal #3, which is also free, is a newsprint all-comics anthology featuring the work of many amazing cartoonists!

After the festival, this newsprint anthology can be ordered through Desert Island’s online stop for the price of shipping or picked up in store.

EDIT: I thought that the second Shamanman strip would be in the third Smoke Signal, but they changed the specs and I didn’t realize. It has the work of a lot of awesome people though, so y’all should definitely check it out.

November 24th, 2009

East Austin Studio Tour Recap/Witchcraft

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: — William Cardini @ 4:28 pm

First of, thanks to everyone who came out to our studio for E.A.S.T.! I had a lot of fun. It was also a hectic and exhausting weekend, and I’m looking forward to relaxing over Thanksgiving and then getting back to it in December. While I was cleaning up my studio and then sitting around I had a lot of mental space to plan out how to arrange my studio for maximum productivity and efficiency. As we all know, making comics/art/whatever is a time-consuming process so I try to streamline it as much as possible. I’m also trying to figure out the best model and publishing strategy for my comics and other drawz going forward – traditional, screenprinting, POD, web, some sort of mix. I’ll post more on this once I have something concrete, but don’t count on anything semi-coherent emerging from the haze.

To keep pumped about all this through the post-event malaise I’ve been listening to doom metal, recommended to me by my buddy Ryan Lauderdale. One of my new favorite tracks is Her Sisters They Were Weak from retro-doom-psych-folk band Witchcraft’s 2004 self-titled album.

November 17th, 2009

First Weekend of E.A.S.T. 2009 Recap

Filed under: Recaps — Tags: , , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:47 am

First of all, thanks to everyone who came by Boongoo Studio, stop #125 on the East Austin Studio Tour this past weekend!

I got to play host to friends and talk to some new people, including our awesome neighbor Thor Harris and these guys Ben Goddard and Daniel. Ben and Daniel recently moved to Austin from the East Coast and have settled in to Glade and I’s old house. Ben sent me his website, he takes some pretty hilarious, well-constructed photos, including this one:

Here’s a shot of something that I haven’t posted before:

It’s a collaboration between me and Glade, it was a landscape that I didn’t use for the No More Worlds show that Glade added a bunch of awesome details to. Speaking of that No More Worlds show, I should have all of those drawings back next week, so come by if you want to check ’em out!

Here’s a shot of Aaron Flynn’s installation, which I didn’t have a photo of last week:

That inside-out polar bear/coyote is amazing.

And finally, thanks to Kate Watson for the shout out on Glasstire! I invite you all to come by and snoop this next weekend.

November 13th, 2009

East Austin Studio Tour

Glade and I are participating in the East Austin Studio Tour this year as Boongoo Studio. We’re number 125 on the map, come check out our spaces!

Here are some shots of my studio:

As you can see in the upper left, I’ve got plenty of Gold County Paper Mill books left over from STAPLE! 2008, including Jak Cardini Achieves the Narratological Singularity, a book of J.C.‘s poems, and Impossible Objects, a collaborative book between me and Jak.

Here’s a detail shot. I’ve also got some color drawz, raw comix pages, and black and white india ink drawz.

Here’s my drawing space and something that I was working on.

Our good friend Alison Kuo came and did an installation in our living room! We’re also going to be featuring the artwork of Beverly Anderson and Aaron Flynn.

October 30th, 2009

Monster Show 4 Opens Halloween at Domy Books in Austin and Houston

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , , , , , , — William Cardini @ 10:23 am

Hey y’all, Monster Show 4 opens this Saturday (Halloween!) from 7-9pm at Domy’s Houston and Austin locations, come check it out! There’ll be many, many fabulous and terrifying monster drawz by tons of talented creators, including the lovely Glade Whitworth.

Here’s the flyer, image drawn by Travis Millard:

Here you can get an all-in-one shot of my monster draws in process and a fraction of my new studio set up:

I’ve had this drawing table since the mid-90s, so please forgive the stickers. If you come to our house (Boongoo Studio) during this year’s East Austin Studio Tour, you’ll be able to see my whole setup!

October 16th, 2009

Funky Junction Oracles, New Work by Dylan Reece at MASS Gallery in Austin

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 7:40 am

My good friend Dylan’s solo show, Funky Junction Oracles, opens this Saturday (Oct 17th) at MASS Gallery here in Austin from 10pm to 12am. If you’re in the area, be sure to check this show out. It’ll be open until Nov 7th. Here’s an excerpt from the press release:

On view from October 17th to November 7th, Funky Junction Oracles employs a variety of media — prints, photography, painting, animated GIFs, and sculpture — to illustrate Reece’s attempt to fix meaning in a world characterized by ever increasing flows of information and rapid change in the complexity of social systems. Drawing from a range of sources that include the pop-metaphysics of the ’70s, the classical art of Greece and Rome, the internet, vintage nature books, rave culture, and Modernism in art, the imagery for much of the work is unified by an underlying sense of idealism and progress gone awry.

I’m super stoked about this show. Here are some choice pieces of Dylan’s old work from his excellent blog:

October 6th, 2009

Taffy Hips #5 Release Party this Friday

My comic Herakles of Mars Attacks the Lion of Tharsis has been included in the latest issue of Taffy Hips, here’s the cover:

They’re having a release party this Friday at Desert Island Books in Brooklyn (where you can also pick up a copy of Hyperbox #3, as my buddy Lanneau just reminded me!). If you’re gonna be in the area, be sure to check it out!