Cropped Will Cardini artwork

June 20th, 2024

KC Zine Con #9

Filed under: Comic Fests — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:02 am

Hey y’all!! I had to miss KC Zine Con #8 last June because it was the same weekend as CAKE, but I’ll be back for KC Zine Con #9 this weekend!

Screenshot of the KC Zine Con website, cropped to just show the header with the logo and the racoon mascot
I couldn’t find a poster for this year’s show, so I just grabbed this screenshot of their cool website, designed and developed by catmothcrow.

Last year, KCZC moved to Goofball Sk8boards, which is right in my neighb, and fortunately for me, they’ll be there again this year. To make room for more exhibitors and enable zinesters to do some shopping and attend panels, they’re splitting us up, so some people are tabling on Saturday, and some people are tabling on Sunday.

I’ll be there Saturday, June 22nd, from 11am to 5pm at Table 2, next to my bud Nick Francis Potter and right by the northeast entrance:

Map of KCZC9 showing how the tables will be arranged in the space with a callout for Will Cardini's table

I’m bringing my comics and prints, including my latest comic containing my collabs with Mark Peters, Cosmic Gossip! Because I just have a half table, I’m not bringing any Retrofit comics.

June 7th, 2024

Read the Room Opening

Filed under: Art Shows,Recaps — William Cardini @ 7:35 am

Thanks to everyone who came to the opening for Read the Room two weeks ago, we had a blast!!

Will Cardini at the Read the Room opening, laughing in front of his colorful vinyl mural
Me laughing in front of my mural, Blursed Miizzzard. Photo by Kate Schroeder.

It was great to see so many of the artists at the opening. We took a group shot at the end but didn’t capture everyone who showed up:

Group of artists making silly poses in front of the entry wall of the exhibition Read the Room
Left to right: Josh Rios, Travis Millard, Thayer N G Bray, Tim Brown, me (Will Cardini), Siobhán Gallagher, John F. Malta, Momoko Usami, and Joshua W. Cotter. Photo by Kimi Kitada.

Big ups to all the artists for trusting us with their brilliant artworks; my co-curators for bearing with my hyper-focus on details; everyone at Charlotte Street, especially Kimi and Kevin who helped so much with install; and my fam for putting up with all the time I had to put into this project.

The show is up thru Saturday, July 13th, and we have a couple more events planned, both taking place in the Charlotte Street Kemper Library:

  • Freestyle featuring jazz guitarist Adam Schlozman and zine-making with Read the Room artist Barbara Lane Tharsas, Saturday, June 8, 1 to 3pm
  • Inviting the Images, an autobio-comics-making workshop run by co-curator Jason Lips, Wednesday, June 26, 6 to 8pm

You can also just come by Charlotte Street Gallery, 3333 Wyoming Street Kansas City, MO 64111, Tuesday thru Friday 12 to 5pm and Saturday 11am to 5pm, to check the work out! Or see the install shots on my Instagram.