Back in early September, Drew reviewed Urscape #1 in an episode of his indie comics podcast For the Love of Indie! Click here to listen via Apple Podcasts or you can read the episode notes and listen on other platforms here.
Draw talks about Urscape in the context of the larger Hyperverse mythos and says the Hyperverse “is a new Fourth World.” I’m blushing! I love Jack Kirby’s comics and his Fourth World creations are a big inspiration for my work. Thanks to a recommendation from my brother, I read the black-and-white Mister Miracle and New Gods collections back in the early aughts. Even without color, they blew me away with their inventiveness and energy. Kirby’s story of what happens after Ragnarok is visionary reimagination of mythology that he sadly was never able to complete as he intended. Fortunately I recently acquired the color trade paperbacks of New Gods, Mister Miracle, and Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen that DC released to celebrate the centenary of Kirby’s birth and they were even better in color. I hope that DC releases a similar edition of Forever People, which I haven’t had a chance to read.
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a book review on my blog but I occasionally post reviews on Goodreads. I wrote a little bit more about those three Kirby comics there. Also, if you’ve read one of my comics, I’d appreciate a rating or review! Those can really help an author out. You can see my reviews and my comics from my Author Profile.
Bonus: here’s another animated GIF I made from an Urscape page.