Click here to see a visual history of the International Space Station, via universe today.
March 31st, 2009
The International Space Station
via wikipedia.
According to universe today, now that the solar panel modules have been added to the as-yet uncompleted International Space Station, it is the second brightest object in the night sky, next to the moon.
via universe today.
Venus has been dethroned, and this is just a sign of things to come. Our children’s children will look up into a sky filled with artificial satellites, floating space cities twinkling in the twilight.
A lone guitarist, camping on a mild post-global-weirding Saskatchewan winter night, will sing a song about a woman who left him for a life in space. The sky is so bright with habitats, he can hardly pick out her new home. Her muscles, weakened by the lower gravity of the Lagrange-point colonies, will never be able to support earth’s gravity again.
March 27th, 2009
Stratospheric Microorganisms
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched a balloon
into the upper atmosphere and discovered three strange new species of bacteria far more resistant to UV radiation than previously known strains. According to the ISRO, sufficient precautionary measures were used to make sure that the species were, in fact, picked up by the balloon in the stratosphere and not closer to earth. This PDF, from the International Journal of Astrobiology, states that “very small, bacteria-like particles” have been found as high as 41 kilometers into the atmosphere. The paper concludes with the suggestion that these particles, “too large to have originated from Earth” (since there is no viable way for them to reach such heights) may have originated from space. Imagine a gentle rain of alien invaders…
March 24th, 2009
Last Tuesday I discovered unurthed while googling thoughtforms, and was too distracted to post anything, my apologies. Unurthed is a collection of fascinating hermetic images, such as this sasquatch
Mask carved by the Dorset Culture of the Point Barrow region in Alaska.
from an article on Szukalski’s science of Zermatism, this diagrammatic sand painting
The Shock Painting by Miguelito.
alongside an explication, and this illustration of life energy by Malcolm Thurnburn
from a discussion of Baron Fersen’s Science of Being.
March 10th, 2009
Over the past week I’ve found two images that I’d like to share with y’all that exemplify the folk sci fi aesthetic that I’m trying to track here.
Folk sci fi happens when sci fi memes acquire new meanings in folk culture (outer space as salvation).
frommount olympus.
Folk sci fi is when images of modern technology manifest themselves in traditional crafts.
March 6th, 2009
Postcapitalism and Kim Stanley Robinson
A couple of days ago I linked to an article by Kim Stanley Robinson, author of the Mars trilogy and The Years of Rice and Salt.
In the article, Robinson cogently outlines the connection between striving for global social justice and tackling climate change, going so far as to say that “justice becomes a kind of climate change technology.” What really interests me, however, is the call that Robinson puts out at the end for all of us to close a gap in our collective imagination, to fill in “a blank spot in our vision of the future”: namely, what economic system will succeed capitalism.
Of course postcapitalist theories abound, a few personal favorites being the steady-state economy and post-scarcity anarchism. But the problem here is that they are just theories and models, none of which have been tested in the real world. And, if you believe Robinson, we need to discover which of these theories are viable if we are going to survive the next century. Science fiction offers a great testing environment for extended thought experiments in this vein – Singularity Sky by Charles Stross offers an accelerated vision (pun intended) of the arrival of post-scarcity anarchism in its opening chapters,
and Robinson’s own Mars trilogy offers a compelling narrative of competing postcapitalisms that takes place over the course of decades, applied to the mesocosm of a terraforming Mars.
P.S. Robinson’s favorite band is YES.
Fragile cover art by Roger Dean.
March 5th, 2009
The Next Net
“The phone in your hand is the bridge between the virtual and real worlds”
from business week magazine.
If only they were really thinking multidimensionally – instead this next net is just another incarnation of the “multigenerational ponzi scheme” we’re all trapped in.
2020-06-29 update: The article that was the source of the first quote is gone, but the source of the second (a Kim Stanley Robinson interview) is summarized in this Resilience Science article.
March 3rd, 2009
Glade and I are in the process of screenprinting the cover for TRANZ.

I’ve never screenprinted before (and I’m doing everything at the last possible second) so Glade’s been helping me a lot.

Check out the awesome color combo that Glade put together for the bottom layer of the cover.

Of course, I’m just getting drunkz…

…but I finally manage to get a page printed.