from the back cover blurb: “He had to explore the unknown, to escape his body, to travel to the root octave of the Ninth Parallax.”
April 28th, 2008
"The Godmakers" by Don Pendleton (1970)
"Growing up in Tier 3000" by Felix C Gotschalk (1975)
Gotschalk would be an awesome pseudonym for a chalk talker. Here’s a bit about the author: “Born 1929 in Richmond, Virginia. BS ’54, MS ’56 psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University. Doctoral work at Tulane ’57-’58. Taught psychology at Nicholls College in Louisiana ’58-’62, a psychologist in North Carolina since ’62. Married, two children. Weight-lifter, pianist, composer, poet, model-builder, painter and inventor. Author of 35 short stories, a novelette and one novel.”
"Out from Ganymede" by Barry N Malzberg (1974)
I’ve heard that Malzberg is good, and I’ve picked up a couple of his books but I haven’t had a chance to read any yet.
"The Reefs of Space" by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson (1964)

"The Reefs of Space" by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson (1964)
Originally uploaded by M I I Z Z Z A R D
from the first page blurb: “…the Reefs of Space, the half-mythical bodies that circled the solar system far beyond the orbit of Pluto.”
April 20th, 2008
The Miizzzard’s ancient archenemy
A viral, modular entity bent on
transforming celestial objects
into evil dream machines
Construction Project #4
Turn the salt flats
into computronium