Cropped Will Cardini artwork

January 31st, 2025

2024 in Review

Filed under: Recaps — William Cardini @ 9:54 am

2024 was a huge year for me! I did two big murals and co-curated a comics-related art show.

The first mural was commissioned by my friends Grant Davis and Mike Moody for a wall in the reception area of their podcast recording studio RecordATX in 2023 and went up this past April (in my old haunt the ATX, natch). Check it out:

vinyl mural on the wall in the waiting area of RecordATX podcasting recording studios in Austin
Photo by Grant Davis.

I hadn’t done much mural work, so I wasn’t sure about the best approach and printing method. But when Grant suggested Wall Decal World, whom he’d worked with before, and I showed their website to my wife Glade, she had the brilliant idea to do a die-cut mural where the negative space is the wall. I was so pleased with this concept and how it turned out that I went back to Wall Decal World to print a mural for my main contribution to Read the Room, the art show I co-curated for Charlotte Street Foundation that opened at the end of May.

Here are some install shots of the show:

Photo by EG Schempf. Artist credits from left to right and back to front:

On the freestanding wall:
John F. Malta, Rotten Metropolis Comic Pages and John Buice, Untitled Collection.

On the right wall: Tim Brown, More Kisses; eight pages of original art by Vincent Carton Mollica; Mary Climes, excerpt from Vig (original artwork) and The Magic Mountain (on the monitor); and part of Joshua W. Cotter’s installation, Infinite ©uck & Related Social Media Pieces.

Shining on the back pedestal: Jamies Bates, Mouthy Lamp.
Resting on the front pedestal: Momoko Usami & Joshua W. Cotter, Traversing Twilight.

Photo by EG Schempf. Artist credits from left to right and top to bottom:

Six digital prints of art from Siobhán Gallagher’s book, Full of Myself: A Graphic Memoir About Body Image; Kelsey Borch, 1000 Doors (on the wall) and digital art reel (on the monitor); and on the pedestal, Barbara Lane Tharas, Sit With It.

Photo by EG Schempf. An unobstructed shot of my mural, Blursed Miizzzard.

Photo by EG Schempf. All three ceramic works by Momoko Usami.
Titled from left to right and top to bottom:

Witness #1, Lady Justice; Witness #2, Sea Change; and on the pedestal, Diversity Seed.

Co-curating the show, creating my own art for it, and assisting with the install were a lot of work from the end of 2023 till the opening, but it was a very rewarding experience to collaborate with my co-curators Thayer N G Bray, Tim Brown, and Jason Lips; all the artists who contributed; and everyone at Charlotte Street. Our show got a nice online review in a local mag, KC Studio, that highlighted the “monumental” “meta-effect” of seeing Joshua Cotter’s 110 intricate original pencil comic pages arranged on the wall in a grid, with a stack of free newsprint editions of the comic under it. So glad we got to realize Joshua’s vision!

110 pencil drawings on paper in a grid on a wall with several stacks of newspaper comics below them
Photo by EG Schempf. Joshua W. Cotter, Infinite ©uck & Related Social Media Pieces.

All the above photos were just from the the biggest room in the show! I could fill this whole post with show photos, but that’s all I’m going to share for now. I posted more on my Instagram this past summer.

In the second half of the year, I tabled at KC Zine Con for the I-can’t-remember-how-many-th time, and Autoptic for the first time.

KCZC was in a new-to-me venue, Goofball Sk8boards, which was delightful because it’s right in my neighb. The organizers split the tablers over two days, so I tabled next to Nick Francis Potter, a Read the Room participant and excellent artist, on Saturday, and got to chat with a couple other equally amazing participants, Jenny Jo Hrabe and Barbara Lane Tharas, on Sunday. I enjoyed being able to both table and visit the show as an attendee, but I felt like the split roster might’ve lowered sales, especially for zinesters who only tabled on Sunday.

Autoptic was a blast because I was reuntied with my co-curator and co-tabler Tim Brown after he moved from KC to Minneapolis and I finally got to meet Ryan Carey in person after pestering him with review copies of my Hyperverse comics for years! Unfortunately I didn’t realize Insert Name Zine Fest was the next day, but hopefully I can pull off the double-comics-fest weekend next time the stars align.

At the end of the year I got back to drawing. I submitted to the Crossroads Artboards again but wasn’t chosen, so I’m gonna end this post with my third, unrealized mural design for the year:

August 14th, 2024

Autoptic 2024

Filed under: Comic Fests — Tags: — William Cardini @ 8:55 am

Will Cardini is exhibiting at the Autoptic Festival, August 17th, 2024, 11am to 6pm. Coffman Memorial Union, 300 Washington Ave. S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455

This weekend I’ll be in Minneapolis for the first time to table at my first Autoptic Festival!

Will Cardini at Kansas City Zine Con 9, June 2024
My table at Kansas City Zine Con #9.

At Table 16A, I’ll have my recent comics, which you can see in the above photo from my last tabling event, including the final stack of the first print run of Reluctant Oracle #1. I’ll also have some fun Xerox comics I made for a comics workshop I taught at my kid’s summer camp.

June 20th, 2024

KC Zine Con #9

Filed under: Comic Fests — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:02 am

Hey y’all!! I had to miss KC Zine Con #8 last June because it was the same weekend as CAKE, but I’ll be back for KC Zine Con #9 this weekend!

Screenshot of the KC Zine Con website, cropped to just show the header with the logo and the racoon mascot
I couldn’t find a poster for this year’s show, so I just grabbed this screenshot of their cool website, designed and developed by catmothcrow.

Last year, KCZC moved to Goofball Sk8boards, which is right in my neighb, and fortunately for me, they’ll be there again this year. To make room for more exhibitors and enable zinesters to do some shopping and attend panels, they’re splitting us up, so some people are tabling on Saturday, and some people are tabling on Sunday.

I’ll be there Saturday, June 22nd, from 11am to 5pm at Table 2, next to my bud Nick Francis Potter and right by the northeast entrance:

Map of KCZC9 showing how the tables will be arranged in the space with a callout for Will Cardini's table

I’m bringing my comics and prints, including my latest comic containing my collabs with Mark Peters, Cosmic Gossip! Because I just have a half table, I’m not bringing any Retrofit comics.

June 7th, 2024

Read the Room Opening

Filed under: Art Shows,Recaps — William Cardini @ 7:35 am

Thanks to everyone who came to the opening for Read the Room two weeks ago, we had a blast!!

Will Cardini at the Read the Room opening, laughing in front of his colorful vinyl mural
Me laughing in front of my mural, Blursed Miizzzard. Photo by Kate Schroeder.

It was great to see so many of the artists at the opening. We took a group shot at the end but didn’t capture everyone who showed up:

Group of artists making silly poses in front of the entry wall of the exhibition Read the Room
Left to right: Josh Rios, Travis Millard, Thayer N G Bray, Tim Brown, me (Will Cardini), Siobhán Gallagher, John F. Malta, Momoko Usami, and Joshua W. Cotter. Photo by Kimi Kitada.

Big ups to all the artists for trusting us with their brilliant artworks; my co-curators for bearing with my hyper-focus on details; everyone at Charlotte Street, especially Kimi and Kevin who helped so much with install; and my fam for putting up with all the time I had to put into this project.

The show is up thru Saturday, July 13th, and we have a couple more events planned, both taking place in the Charlotte Street Kemper Library:

  • Freestyle featuring jazz guitarist Adam Schlozman and zine-making with Read the Room artist Barbara Lane Tharsas, Saturday, June 8, 1 to 3pm
  • Inviting the Images, an autobio-comics-making workshop run by co-curator Jason Lips, Wednesday, June 26, 6 to 8pm

You can also just come by Charlotte Street Gallery, 3333 Wyoming Street Kansas City, MO 64111, Tuesday thru Friday 12 to 5pm and Saturday 11am to 5pm, to check the work out! Or see the install shots on my Instagram.

May 14th, 2024

Read the Room at Charlotte Street Foundation

Filed under: Art Shows — Tags: , , , , — William Cardini @ 11:02 pm

I’m excited to tell y’all about Read the Room, an art show I co-curated with Tim Brown, Thayer N G Bray, and Jason Lips that opens in a week and a half at Charlotte Street here in Kansas City! To explain what it’s about, here’s our curatorial statement:

Read the Room consists of more than 20 local and regional artists who work within or in dialogue with the worlds of alternative comics, zines, and cartooning.

The exhibition asks you to consider comics as an expansive and evolving mode of visual storytelling. Through the accessible language of comics, each artist authors their own understanding of the world as well as imagining new ones.

Read the Room invites you to spend time with these narrative works, appreciating them both as works of visual and literary art. Please, do read the room.

Artists include Kelsey Borch, Joshua W. Cotter, Momoko Usami, Nick Potter, Jenny Jo Hrabe, Jamie Bates, John F. Malta, Siobhán Gallagher, and Barbara Lane Tharsas. I’m grateful to my co-curators for opening my eyes to seeing comics in other media such as ceramics.

Three artworks presented in panels. Clockwise from left, a colorful painting of a woman, a comic set in a forest, and a ceramic skull.
A preliminary postcard mockup. Clockwise from left, artworks are Untitled by Jenny Jo Hrabe, a crop of a page from 1000 Doors by Kelsey Borch, and Traversing Twilight by Momoko Usami & Joshua W. Cotter.

The co-curators will also have works in the exhibition. I’ve created a big vinyl mural for it, here’s a sketch of what it’ll look like:

Colorful space wizard whose hands are giving a blessing even though his head has been chopped in half.

The opening will be 6 to 9pm on Friday, May 24th at Charlotte Street Gallery, 3333 Wyoming St, Kansas City, MO. I hope to see y’all there, but if you can’t make it to the opening, the show will remain up thru July 13th. Check out the post about Read the Room on the Charlotte Street Foundation website for more details about the show and related events.

April 5th, 2024

Wavy Lines

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:07 am

animated GIF of a wavy line pattern

animated GIF of two overlapping wavy line patterns

animated GIF of two pairs of overlapping wavy line patterns; one pair is within a circle, and the other is outside of the circle

animated GIF of two overlapping wavy line patterns

I originally animated this wavy line pattern back in 2013; while revisiting some of my older GIFs for an upcoming project, I created a couple new variations to complete this sequence.

January 4th, 2024

2023 in Review

Filed under: Recaps — William Cardini @ 7:48 am

2023 was a more productive year for me than 2022! I finished three times as many comics pages (or comics-page-equivalent artworks) as last year. Unfortunately, only one of those pages was for Reluctant Oracle #2:

Another preview of Reluctant Oracle 2

Instead, I drew a four-page comic for the Spring 2023 issue of ANMLY and a Riso print for the 2023 Kansas City Flatfile + Digitalfile show at the H&R Block Artspace. You can see the print in the middle of my Paper Plains Zine Fest 2 table in this photo:

Will Cardini and Peter Hensel at Paper Plains Zine Fest 2 in Lawrence, KS
I’m on the left and my brother, Peter Hensel, is on the right. He runs the comic book empire Gotham Newsstand in San Antonio and publishes his own comic series, Suspense Stories of the Silent, the first issue of which is below him.

The second half of my year was spent drawing the cover and interstitial pages for Cosmic Gossip, a 20-page mini-comic collecting my three collaborative short comics with Mark Peters, which was published by Bad Publisher Books and debuted at Short Run in November.

If you’d like a signed copy, head over to my Big Cartel to purchase one for $8! Here are a couple photos:

Cosmic Gossip cover

Cosmic Gossip interior spread

Cosmic Gossip got a great review over on Ryan C.’s Four Color Apocalypse Patreon, where reviews of comics sent in by indie cartoonists and small-press publishers are always free. Here’s an excerpt:

Hell, a pretty solid argument could be made for this being the most conceptually ambitious of ALL Hyperverse releases (if only, ya know, it actually WERE one), since its scope takes in everything from the creation of the cosmos to the destruction of large swathes of it for sport to a coda on the meaning of it all — if any such philosophical bromide exists. Hint : according to the text of COSMIC GOSSIP (as well as to your own finely-honed skill for detecting bullshit) it doesn’t, but why let that spoil your good time? And, like all Cardini artistic endeavors, this latest one is a VERY good time, indeed. And who isn’t in the mood for more of that as the very notion of a shared consensus reality literally melts into oblivion all around us?

Over the past five years, I’ve managed to put out a new mini-comic every other year. So hopefully I’ll have Relucant Oracle #2 for y’all in 2025! Before I can make that happen, however, I have a couple exciting projects underway for this year that I can’t quite talk about yet… but I can share these sketchbook pages and in-process watercolor painting:

Sketches of the Miizzzard

Sketches of melting Miizzzards

Random sketches

Unfinished watercolor painting

Unfinished watercolor painting

September 1st, 2023

Paper Plains Zine Fest 2

Filed under: Comic Fests — Tags: , — William Cardini @ 7:46 am

This Sunday I’ll be tabling at the second Paper Plains Zine Fest in Lawrence, KS!

I’ll have this new riso print for sale…

Robot Warrior 001 risograph print

…plus my usual offerings.

Paper Plains Zine Fest 2 flyer: Saturday September 2nd: Workshops and Programs at KU and throughout Lawrence. Sunday September 3rd: Vendor Fair 11am to 5pm at Van Go, 715 New Jersey St., Lawrence, KS.
Flyer by Lydia Halo.

This year, they’ve expanded PPZF to two days, and divided the programming and tabling onto separate days, which I love to see because tablers can attend without losing out on sales! The schedule on their website has the programming for Day 1, AKA tomorrow.

Sunday will be all tabling; I’ll be at Table 35, cozily sandwiched between my buddies Red Shorts Bindery and Jason Lips, plus a surprise special guest!! Click here to see a table map

June 1st, 2023

CAKE 2023

Filed under: Comic Fests — Tags: — William Cardini @ 8:01 am

I’ll be tabling at CAKE, the Chicago Alternative Comics Expo, this weekend, their first show since 2019!

Poster for CAKE 2023 with event details
Excellent poster by David Alvarado.

CAKE is at a new location this year, the Broadway Armory. Come say hi at Table 509A along the back wall!

Map of CAKE tables on the Broadway Armory with a callout for Table 509

My spread will be similar to what I had at KC Zine Con and Paper Plains Zine Fest last year (this post includes a photo of my table from last year’s KCZC). Reluctant Oracle #1 came out in 2021 but it will be new to CAKE!

Unfortunately I’ll be missing this year’s KC Zine Con because it’s also this weekend.

May 5th, 2023

New Comic in ANMLY #36

Filed under: Comics,Web Comics — Tags: , , — William Cardini @ 11:34 am

I’m honored to let y’all know that I have a new short comic in the latest issue of Anomaly (stylized ANMLY), an online journal of literature and the arts.

ANMLY 36 cover by Dev Murphy, image is drawing of a scaly tunnel captioned I Dream at each end.
ANMLY #36 cover by Dev Murphy.

Here’s the first page of my comic, entitled “Sunk Mind”:

Sunk Mind by Will Cardini page 1, a black-and-white comic with two panels. Panel 1 caption: No thought thought in the history of the universe will ever be lost. Panel 1 image is a head breaking open with a wavy beam of light coming out. Panel 2 caption: Moving like liquid light, they exit the minds of a trillion trillion sentient beings... Panel 2 image is a wavy beam of light moving through space.

Click here to browse the table of contents for ANMLY #36, read the rest of my comic, and check out the other amazing contributors.